by Judy
On November 1, 2003, I was to
travel to Boston from Los Angeles to witness the
confirmation into the Bridgewater, Massachusetts,
Swedenborgian Church of a dear friend and fellow griever,
John, on the next day.
The travel
day did not start out well; my alarm clock failed to go
off at 4:00am and I awoke 45 minutes late. Yet I did
manage to get out the door in the time frame that I had
set in my mind. Traveling to LAX was not bad at that time
in the morning yet two missed turns and having to double
back caused a few precious moments to be eaten away. I
took a couple of deep breaths; surely God and His angels
would help me to make the flight for it was for a good
cause. John's beloved wife, Gege, and their 14-year-old
daughter, Jana had died in a tragic car accident two years
previously. John's confirmation into the Swedenborgian
Church was the culmination of a two-year struggle to find
the truth about the Other Side and I wanted to be there to
give John support.
I was only
two minutes late from checking in electronically. Looking
at the crowded lines, I took another deep breath. I did
not like what I saw and knew that it would be a close call
if I got on that flight. I did not want to miss the flight
as I was meeting John and his brother Steve at the airport
in Boston and from there we would hop the train and travel
to Middleboro where Rev. Lee Woofenden, the pastor of
Bridgewater Swedenborgian Church lives, and where we were
to stay at Zachariah Eddy House Bed and Breakfast. It would
be a real mess to miss this flight.
The lady at
the counter was so very nice - her name was Judy too. She
immediately escorted me through the lines so that I could
get to the security area quickly. She told me that once
out of security I would have to literally run for the
flight. I had to carry on the bag that I had wanted to
check and I was a bit loaded down. After putting back on
my shoes, I loaded everything up - winter coat, 1 handbag,
1 purse, 1 travel bag - or so I thought. I ran for the
plane and just barely made it. I walked onto the plane and
gave thanks to God!
I stashed
my two bags and coat in the overhead bin and then sat
down; oh, no! I suddenly realized that I had left my
purse! But where? I thought it must have been at the
boarding gate. I jumped up and a very kind steward helped
me. Not to worry; they'd call out and get the purse for
me. I sat down and was getting very nervous - which
probably didn't have a good effect on the couple sitting
next to me. I couldn't believe this! How could I have set
my purse down? I then thought that if they couldn't find
the purse then I'd just continue on the flight. That
thought stayed with me for all of ten seconds as I
realized that I would not be able to travel back to Los
Angeles from Boston. Oh, I couldn't believe what a dumb
thing I had done. After all this - waking up late, taking
the wrong exit for the airport, missing the electronic
check-in by two minutes, waiting in a long line, running
for the plane - actually getting on the plane - only to
have left my purse! I got up again and spoke to the
steward who informed me that they didn't find the purse at
the boarding gate. He said that they called security but
they also didn't have the purse. Oh my gosh... I was not
only going to miss the flight - it also looked like I
wouldn't be able to fly at all - with no identification. I
quickly went back to my seat and took my bags from the
overhead bin and walked back up the aisle. The stewards
were so very kind and gracious and I was so embarrassed
for having made everyone wait. I exited hurriedly from the
plane and nearly ran to security.
Fortunately, they had my purse, but it was too late for my
flight - they couldn't hold it any longer than they did.
No use in crying over spilled milk. I quickly went back in
the line and coincidentally Judy was again helping me. She
took one look at me and said, "I checked - you made the
flight??!" And I explained what happened and thanked her
for her efforts. In a try to comfort me, she told me that
another person had also missed that flight. She then got
me onto the next flight to Boston only this one was
through a connecting city. I would have to go to Boston by
way of Dallas! Dallas? Oh boy, it's going to be a long
I would be
landing in Boston at 8:00 pm - four long hours after my
original flight. John and Steve would be worried. I called
my husband and explained what happened. He called Lee. Lee
then called the airline that John and Steve were traveling
on and left a message. I wanted John and Steve to go ahead
and travel to Middleboro without me - even though I had no
idea how I was going to travel in a strange city at night
by myself.
boarding the plane headed for Dallas, I had a lot of time
to think. It seemed as though there was an unseen force
keeping me from the original flight. But why? Oh, no - was
something going to happen to that flight from LAX to
Boston... or was something going to happen on the flight I
was now on? Funny how your mind starts jumping to
A young
serviceman sat next to me; perhaps that was the reason I
had missed my flight. I thanked him for his service and
sacrifice and we talked a bit throughout the flight.
Perhaps that is why I missed my flight - to give thanks to
a young serviceman. He told me that few had done so and he
really brightened up. Maybe that's the reason... although
it sure didn't seem so to me.
this would be the second time that I had ever been in
Texas. The first time was when I traveled to meet Jim's
grandmother. Jim was born and raised in Texas. For nearly 11 years, I've felt Jim's presence
in my daily life and often talk to him in my head. After
landing in Dallas, I noticed a paper towel holder - the
brand name was Fort James. Jim, a Marine who died
in Vietnam, often gives me signs with military and Texas
themes suggesting that he is watching over and protecting
me. Now, if this was his idea to somehow thwart my plans
for a direct flight to Boston and to divert me to Texas
for some kind of sign, I wasn't very happy about it. Any
other time... I told Jim in my mind, "I am NOT amused.
This isn't about me; it's about John and this had better
be good." I nearly jumped at the terrifically stern tone
in my mind.
Boarding my
flight to Boston, I picked up a "Bistro Bag" as American
Airlines calls them. Once seated, I took a look - I was
hungry and hadn't eaten that day. Hmmmm... a sandwich,
chips and a cookie! Having quite a sweet tooth, that
cookie looked like Heaven to me. I waited to eat until the
beverages were served. I was still upset - worried that
John and Steve might not get the message. Oh, why did I
miss that flight? It made no sense to me whatsoever and I
could literally feel the blood pressure rise as I thought
over the day's events. I chomped on the chips thinking
about the cookie ahead.
the sandwich and chips, I placed the trash in the Bistro
Bag and then looked at the cookie. I nearly jumped! Oh my
gosh... I brought the cookie closer for I could not
believe my eyes! The brand name of the cookie was
Jana's Cookies
- John's daughter's name - and even spelled the same way -
with one N! Oh my gosh... I can't tell you how a
sense of peace enveloped me at that time.
I was too
excited to try to read for the rest of the flight, so I
just sat back and closed my eyes. I was smiling and almost
giddy with excitement! Oh, hadn't I prayed earlier in the
week that if it were God's will, to please give John a
message from "his girls"? Oh, what a message!
I started
to wonder how I would get to Middleboro but before I could
even get worried, a voice in my mind said, "God will
provide - do not worry." And I didn't. I just kept getting
happier by the moment thinking of Jana's cookie! It was a
miracle! I've never seen that brand before - and if I had
been on the direct flight to Boston that I missed, I would
not have had a cookie since only breakfast was to be
served. Surely this was the reason for my bizarre travel
When I
walked out from the security area, I immediately saw John
and Steve - they had waited for me. Instantly I knew that
God had provided two angels! I was babbling with
excitement! A miracle! A miracle! And I could see the two
of them look at me with very puzzled looks - trying to
take in what was pouring out of me. This was the first
time that I had met them and I was just babbling on! I
couldn't help it - a miracle! I pulled the cookie from my
purse and presented to John as if it were a precious gift
like frankincense, myrrh and gold all wrapped up. A simple
cookie yet a most wonderful sign for John
that indeed his girls were with him and there for him.
John's had
wonderful signs/dreams but like with all grievers, they
are never enough. We all wish we could have those
experiences each and every day. Steve has had wonderful
signs from both Gege and Jana also! I was so happy that
God would use me as an instrument to give John a sweet and
lovely sign from Jana! I felt so very blessed... oh, the
trip to Texas was very much worth it. God could have
routed me to China to give John that sign and I'd be happy
to oblige!
pointed out that the colors on the cookie wrapper are the
colors of Jana's cheerleading squad - royal blue and gold.
Awesome! Absolutely awesome! I heard Jim in my mind asking
me (with a bit of humor) if I was amused... I had to laugh
hearing that in my mind. Yes, Jim, I'm sorry. Forgive
me for not trusting you. I could just see in my mind
Jana and Jim cooking (pun!) up that trip down to Texas to
pick up a cookie... I know that they must have had fun
dreaming that one up!
I also
confessed to John and Steve that a small voice told me to
go ahead and eat the cookie and just give John the
wrapper! But immediately after that voice, I heard another
one say, That's a bit tacky, don't you think, Judy?
I had to agree!
We made the
last train into Middleboro and everything was perfect. The
next day we walked over to Lee and Patty's house and met
Lee for the first time. Lee decided to take us on the
scenic route - what a different world New England is from
dry and brown Southern California! I noticed that we
crossed a bridge - dedicated to Vietnam Veterans. I almost
missed the sign and yet I did see it. Jim was surely with
me on this trip... Lee took us to church and how
beautiful Bridgewater Swedenborgian Church is!
And what a
gorgeous day it was - 75 degrees - in Boston - on November
2nd! It was as if the angels were smiling down on John -
on all of us really! Lee confirmed three people in the
Church that morning - and he delivered a wonderful sermon,
A Fish Story to End
All Fish Stories.
The Church
had a wonderful luncheon afterwards and we were taken on a
wonderful mini-historical tour of a small section of town.
Lee and Patty then took us out to Duxbury peninsula. Later
on, Lee took us to see Blair Haven, a Swedenborgian
waterfront retreat. Even though it was turning cold and
rainy, it was a wonderful day - one that I will never
I'm still
on Cloud Nine - I know that John's girls love him very
much - eternally so!
Memorial Page for Gege and Jana Johnson
Rev. Lee Woofenden
Bridgewater Swedenborgian Church

John in front
of New Jerusalem (Swedenborgian) Church of
Bridgewater, Massachusetts |

John, Lee and Steve

Lee and John

Lee, Judy and John
Afterlife Information
in Heaven
Memorial Page for James Vance
ADCs with Jim by Judy
Graphics by
The font on the title graphic of this page "Jana's
Cookies" is Gigi
Just another one of those amazing coincidences!