This the adc of Lisa.  Lisa lost her son Joshua to violence.  Two months later her best friend Duke(boxer dog) left to be with Joshua.  Lisa got another dog named Ben who has many times brought signs from Joshua to her.  Here is one of those signs.

Some time in March of 2000 Ben became very ill. This was one of my worst fears, after all I've been through! He had been to the Vet at least three times in one week. He was not getting better. On the third visit he thought he had figured it out and Ben was given three shot's, another antibiotic and very expensive powder to put over his food. I brought him home and it was a very scary night! He laid and shivered from fever all night. He had not eaten in at least 4 days. I was worried sick. I was afraid to think that he might be leaving me too. 

Meanwhile my Mother had asked her Reiki class mates to send Ben healing energy. Also earlier in the week, a Spiritualist has told my Mother that Joshua would be with us on Thursday. Well the next day (which was Thursday) Ben was getting better :o) By the second day he was almost normal. That is the day he walked past my son Anthony in the hallway, 

Anthony said "Hey Mom, Ben has a heart on him" I said "Ok whatever, now get your backpack and get outside before you miss the school bus" Then I looked down at Ben and saw the heart! I couldn't believe my eyes. He did have a small round bald spot for about a month prior to the heart. But it had changed overnight into a perfect shaped heart! 

I believe this was another sign from Josh. When I was praying for Ben to get better, I also had a talk with Josh. I said to him "Alright Josh, It's bad enough that you died, and then Dukie Man, But you can't have Ben too! I believe he probably got a laugh out of that one! So he put a heart on Ben. I had to take pictures, because it was unbelievable.

Lisa's site of ADCs with her son, Joshua and 
his dog, Duke plus other animal ADCs

Music: Heart to Heart
© 1999 Bruce DeBoer