Blessings from David
week before the weather was awful!! even rained a few days before.
I prayed so hard to David and God to please make Jeanine's day
wonderful. Also I prayed so hard for David to please let us know that
he would be there. All week I had in my head "Butterfly"
I don't know why, but it just stuck in my mind so hard. I told Dave I
could not get that out of my head and said " I believe David is
coming as a Butterfly, I have that feeling in my mind for some
that Saturday I woke up real early to prepare and the sun was shinning
and so warm, I could not believe it!! All the plans fell right into
place. The grove looked so beautiful. Lots of daisies and sunflowers,
had hay bales all decorated with daisies. The florist came and
decorated all the tables and the arch way with wild flowers, just
beautiful. We had over 250 people!! so much love floating around. The
horse and carriage first brought down the brides maids and flower
girls. I was sitting on a special bench up front.
the girls were escorted off the carriage and walked down, I saw the
most beautiful large Monarch Butterfly appear and fluttered down with
the girls and when they stood at the side of the arch this Butterfly
just started to flutter around them and around the guests, I kept my
eye on it and also notice the guest were amazed at this. Then the
horse and carriage came down again and brought Jeanine and Dave. The
butterfly fluttered up to them and when they got down and started to
walk down, the song was "From This Moment", the butterfly
fluttered down with them in front of them.
daughter looked at her dad as they were walking and she said
"Look Dad". During the prayers and vows this butterfly was
joined with another one just the same size, Judy I have never seen
them this large! Both these Butterflies just fluttered around Al and
Jeanine. I knew it was David and Candie, Al's sister that had passed
on, also so very young. After the vows were said and pronounced man
and wife the butterflies left and were not seen the rest of the
many people came up to us and asked if we had placed the butterfly's
in the grove!! It was the talk of the wedding, as people were amazed.
I believe that because I was thinking Butterflies all week and didn't
understand why until finally told Dave that I believe that is how
David will show his sign, well it sure was the sign!!
made Dave and I so strong to know David was there and he knew that. We
prayed so hard for months for David to please be there as we needed to
know that he would be there for us and his sister. I swear if we
didn't get our sign from David, Dave and I could of not pulled through
this wedding. David knew this. The wedding continued on till 12:30
PM!! Jeanine and Al were picked up at 8:30 PM for the Sacramento
Airport which they flew to Tennessee Smokey Mountains till Thursday.
Also Jeanine found a shinny Penny!! at her rehearsal dinner and she
put it in her wedding shoe.
Pennies from David
and Al went to Tennessee, Smoky Mountains for their honeymoon. The
town was small but had many beautiful places to visit. They went into
town to do some shopping and stopped off at a large variety store. As
they were walking to the back of this store, Jeanine stopped to look
at something on a shelf. Al for some reason looked above his head, he
is tall 6'3, and noticed an umbrella hanging up side down and it was
filled with Penny's. He said "Look Jeanine", as she stepped
back to look she noticed it was full of Pennies and a sign hung saying
"Pennies From Heaven". This excited her so much being
not only the butterfly at there wedding but also she had a Penny in
her shoe that she wore for her wedding.
they left they noticed a Cedar store and Jeanine told Al we have to go
in and buy my dad something made out of Cedar, she knows how dad loves
wood. They walked over to a table that had all kinds of Log Cabins
made out of Cedar. Al spotted one that uses incense and the smoke
comes out of the chimney. They bought this and also different
fragrances of incense. They knew dad would love this because he burns
incense all the time.
they returned back to there cabin, Jeanine needed to call me up right
away to tell me about the Umbrella full of Pennies. As she was telling
me about this, Al was looking through all the neat things they bought
and when he came to Dave's gift he decided to check it out and find
out where you put the incense in to make it smoke out the chimney. As
Jeanine and I are talking Al said "Jeanine! look!" she said
"Just a minute mom" and she said to me" Mom, guess
what"! When Al was looking for the place to hold the incense, he
noticed the roof lifts off and when he did this the place the holds
the incense was a indentation with a Penny in it!!
was so happy!. I told her "Well honey, your brother is letting
you know that he has been with you through your wedding and also that
he is with you till you both get home safe."
Pennies from Heaven
Courtesy of:
Brown Bag and
Digital Delight
Gold Icon
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