by the Rev. Dave Sonmor

I have long been intrigued by the Biblical correspondence of heat and light in the natural world with the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom of God in the spiritual world. Here we receive heat and light from our sun. The Spiritual world receives its heat and light from the Lord the creator of all things, who appears as a sun in the spiritual world. I shall look at these correspondences as they can be seen in their relationships with the seasons in a year, with day and night, with variations between opposites such as light and darkness and the degrees of differences in things such as love and understanding. But first I would like to show in diagram form the things that are associated with the Divine Love and Divine Wisdom of the Lord and how they descend in form and quality as they pass down from the Divine through the heavens and world of spirits to the world of nature.

We can see from the diagram the descent of love as the Divine Proceeding from itself moves downward in quality from Divine Love to Spiritual Love, and then from Angelic love to Natural Love where it is manifested in human beings in various forms of good. We can also see the Divine Wisdom descending to Spiritual wisdom manifested and adapted to the understanding of angels and spirits and then on down to natural knowledge which is manifested in and through humans as forms of truth, knowledge and understanding with respect to both physical and spiritual matters. We can also begin to comprehend the idea that there is a correspondence or direct link between the degree of love and wisdom at the Divine level to the spiritual level and then to the natural level. These changes in the substance and quality of love and wisdom manifest themselves in different ways at the lower levels because at the spiritual and natural levels they are dependant on the abilities of mankind to recognize and utilize them. We can also see that there are both discrete degrees and continuous degrees of difference in which the love and wisdom are manifested at the lower levels, but more on this later.

In order to fully comprehend the meaning of the correspondence of heat and light to good and truth, as it is represented in Holy Scripture, we must first be humble in respect to our own intellect and ability to accept that our capacity to comprehend is limited to what is spiritual and natural, but does not include or extend to what is Divine. Therefore it is only through faith that we can accept the whole concept of the Divine creating everything we are aware of, and that the Divine itself is incomprehensible to us. Once we accept this limitation we are free to move forward and examine and understand the whole structure and operation of our human life and the correspondences that exist between what is spiritual and what is natural and their connection to the Divine.

When we accept that God is essentially Divine Love and Divine Wisdom we can see that by proceeding out from Himself He could create from His Divine Realm a living Spiritual Universe and a living Natural Universe in descending order, all of which are lesser forms of His love. This was done by means of His Divine Wisdom. We can also see the important role that the human race plays in returning, the love it receives, back up through the system. Love accepted, used and shared goes back up from the natural realm through the spiritual realm to the Divine realm thus completing the circle. In this concept we can also see why there is orderliness in all natural things which we can now examine scientifically and with great precision, by means of microscopic technology. We can see both the physical vastness of the universe and the minute detail of atomic particles. We seem to be much slower at understanding the human psyche, and limit our understanding of love basically to physical sensation, or a feeling we cannot understand. Poets and song writers try time and again to express what it is in verse and song but few people ever really understand it as they approach it intellectually. I recall one time, in an English Literature class at University, that the Professor read a lengthy poem and when he was finished reading he asked the class if anyone knew what the theme of the poem was. No one answered so he asked again and after a brief time I raised my hand and said that the theme was "love". He asked me how I knew and I said that it was because "love" and words associated with it were the most frequently used words in the poem. He said that was exactly correct. But sadly that was all we could do to explain what the poet was talking about. Thinking about this now, in retrospect. I can see that the "beautiful flowing tresses", "sweet innocent smiles" and "tender looks" expressed in the poem were all correspondences of love. "Love", in the dictionary love is said to be a noun or an adjective, that is a "thing". Yet Jesus told His followers that they should love God and love the neighbor, which is an action not just a description. His whole act of creation was an act of love and we can only experience true love ourselves through actions, which include; kindness, compassion, benevolence, friendliness, respect and considerateness in our relations with Him and with one another.

God also provided for us the experience of true marriage love and the love we have for our children and parents. These are examples of the essence of love that we get to enjoy even though we may not understand it. It is the experience of loving other persons more than we love our-self and are therefore willing to put their safety and wellbeing ahead of our own. This purest form of love then extends to include friends, neighbors, our community, church, country, natural environment and the world at large. Ultimately it extends to the Lord God who has made this life possible.

The story of creation in the Bible indicates that at various stages of development, God saw what He had created and saw that it was good. When creation was completed He saw it as "very good" because His creation was complete with the development of a being with spiritual/natural qualities and characteristics who could think with reason about the creator and creation, and who could experience and return the love from which it had been created. This human being also has the intelligence and ability to understand and relate to the wisdom that is inherent in his creation.

We are told in the writings of the New Church that the most ancient people knew, intrinsically, the correspondences between what is natural and what is spiritual. We can see signs of this characteristic even today among some aboriginal peoples. Anders Hallengren, in his book, Gallery of Mirrors Reflections On Swedenborgian Thought, indicates, for example, that the Ten Commandments can be found in ancient Tibetan-Mongolian canon. However, because the vast majority of the human race lost the intrinsic ability of seeing the correspondence between their natural world and the spiritual world, due to their increasing store of knowledge and the evolution of our ability to think and reason, it was necessary for the Lord God to reveal Himself in human form and life. Later on He revealed the correspondences of Divine and spiritual things with natural things, which exists in The Word which is our Bible.

Before creation began there was nothing except the Divine. We can imagine that this Divine Being had an idea that He would like to share His love and His wisdom with another being who could receive His love through the ability to think and reason and could thus return the love by sharing it with others and by adoration of its source, while at the same time opening itself to receive even more love. And this for eternity.

The beginning state is described in the Book of Genesis as "void and darkness." This is a state of nothingness which we will see is related to the opposites of what really has existence or life. Then God created the heavens and the earth, and said "Let there be light," and He saw that the light was good. As the heavens or Spiritual Universe was established first we can see that it was an atmosphere in which spiritual beings would be able to exist in close relationship to the Lord.

The spiritual beings would come from the human race. They would begin their existence in the natural world on earth. In order for human beings to exist and propagate there had to be a natural/physical world which could facilitate and support their development. This "human being" had to be capable of both natural and spiritual life and had to develop in a state of freedom in which it was free to choose to love the Lord or not as it is the very nature of love to not force itself on anyone. Love must be reciprocal; freely accepted and freely given. This is learned and developed in us in the natural world prior to our ascension into the Spiritual Universe.

In the twelve volumes of the Arcana Coelestia (Heavenly Secrets) Swedenborg reveals the correspondences of all words, which we can see is a massive undertaking. For our purposes here I intend to concentrate primarily on the correspondences of love and wisdom with heat and light and associated words. Our diagram shows Divine Love becoming Spiritual love and descending to natural love . At the spiritual level it manifests itself as heat in forms of: love, will, goodness, charity and warmth. These are real spiritual qualities and entities which are found in the heavens of the Spiritual Universe. In the Natural Universe they are manifested in material things that serve a positive use in sustaining life in our world. Things that are of the mineral kingdom contribute to the life of the vegetable kingdom which in turn supports the animal kingdom and ultimately mankind.

Swedenborg explained this very well in his book Divine love and Wisdom n.52.

The universe in greatest and least things, and in first and last things is so filled with Divine Love and Wisdom that it may be said to be Divine Love and Wisdom in an image. That this is so is clearly evident from the correspondence of all things of the universe with all things of man. Each and every thing which exists in the created universe has such a correspondence with each and every thing of man, that it may be said that man (both collectively and individually) is also is a kind of universe. There is a correspondence of his affections and hence of his thoughts with all things of the animal kingdom; of his will and hence of his understanding with all things of the vegetable kingdom; and of his ultimate life with all things of the mineral kingdom.

It is not apparent to anyone in the natural world that there is such a correspondence; but it is apparent to everyone who gives heed to it in the spiritual world. In that world there are all the things which exist in the three kingdoms in the natural world, and they are correspondences of affections and thoughts, of affections derived from the will and of thoughts derived from the understanding, as well as of the ultimate things of the life of those who are there; and both the former and the latter appear around them in such an aspect as in the created universe, with the difference that it is a lesser effigy. From these things it is manifestly clear to the angels that the created universe is an image representative of God-Man, and that it is His Love and Wisdom which are presented in an image in the universe. Not that the created universe is God-Man, but that it is from Him. For nothing whatever in the created universe is substance and form in itself, nor love and wisdom in itself, indeed neither is man a man in himself, but all is from God, Who is Man, Wisdom and Love, and Form and Substance in Himself.

These ideas are also reflected in the words of the Psalmist in Psalm 33 verses 4-9:

For the word of the Lord is right; And all His work is done in faithfulness. He loves righteousness and justice: The earth is full of the loving kindness of the Lord. By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, And all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. He gathered the waters of the sea together as a heap: He laid up the deeps in store-houses. Let all the earth fear the Lord: Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.

At this point it is necessary to go back to our diagram once again and look at the devolution of Divine Wisdom to spiritual truth, knowledge, discernment and light and then to natural light, truth and understanding. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil introduces an element of something that is the opposite of what God's creation was made from. When mankind developed to a certain point because it had been given the ability to think and reason, it then had the ability to develop ideas that were contrary to the truth, or were false. Along with that came the tendency to act according to false ideas and principles and consequently to do evil. Thus in the language of correspondences we find words and things of good and truth along with their opposites which we call things of evil and falsity. As there is variety and degrees of goodness and truth so too there are corresponding varieties and degrees of evil and falsity. Every good has its opposite and every truth has its opposite.

The Sun of the Spiritual Universe corresponds to the sun of the Natural Universe. It contains the manifestation of the Divine Love of the Lord God by means of His Divine Wisdom. We can see in the action of our natural world that the source of all light and heat does not vary but it is our earth that revolves around our sun and by this action causes periods of warmth and periods of cold, periods of light and periods of darkness. These changes are manifested in changes from daytime to night time and in the various seasons of the year. When the earth turns toward the sun we have heat and light and when it turns away from the sun we have cold and darkness. In our life we have times when we turn away from the Lord and look toward our-self and the world, which is love of self, a state that lacks real love for others and real truth . Then we will turn again toward the Lord and feel the change in our life move from this selfishness toward charity for others and love for the Lord. We are not static, but constantly fluctuating from one state to the other and also experiencing many variations and degrees of love and truth. It is not only our physical mind and body that experiences these changes but our spiritual body as well which we hope that, over time, will be looking more and more to the Lord and less and less toward our self and the world.

Let us now take a closer look at this matter of opposites. If we accept the idea that Love and Wisdom and their derivatives are the basic realities of life we can conclude that they are the things that are real and their opposites, with their associated words, are really nothing. For example Heat is a reality, it exists from the sun. Cold is nothing. It is nothing but the absence of heat and we experience it only when we are deprived of heat. We experience this in endless degrees from our earth turning away from the sun in winter to our backs becoming cold when we only face toward a campfire on a fall evening. As the heat generated from the Lord's Divine Love manifests itself in spiritual love and natural love, it is expressed in what is good and charitable and useful. We can accept that those things are real. Whereas their opposites which include such things as hatred, selfishness, greed and avarice, exist only because the love is not present. When we turn our back to the love of the Lord and of others and seek only satisfaction for our self, we lose the warmth of love and become cold and useless to society and to the Lord because we have, in effect rejected Him. He is constant and always available to us, but we must turn to Him out of freedom and love for Him and reject our love of self and the world.

We can view light in the same way. Because light has its origin in the wisdom of God it is a real substantial thing. Darkness on the other hand, is merely the absence of light. Light, because it is derived from Divine Wisdom, corresponds to truth and is manifested in things associated with truth, which includes, knowledge, the opposite of which is the lack of enlightenment, understanding, the opposite of which is ignorance, and discernment, the opposite of which is a lack of judgement. When we turn away from God we are turning away from wisdom, truth, knowledge, intelligence, enlightenment and judgement in both the natural and spiritual sense. We believe and claim that we have these attributes from within our-selves and see all other people and things as being subservient to us. We know that the light of the moon is merely a reflection of the light from the sun. So to the truth of the Lord is reflected among us by acts of sharing with one another the knowledge we gain from the Lord.

When we consider the combination of light and heat being the combination of love and wisdom we see an extremely powerful force working in our midst. If we align ourselves with what is good and true then we become a part of that force and in so doing serve the Lord our God and all mankind. To speak comparatively, truth is then like the light of the sun in the springtime, which has heat in its bosom, from which all things on the earth are made to vegetate, and are as it were animated. This celestial truth is the beautiful itself, or beauty itself. This is the truth which is here (Genesis 12.11) called "a woman beautiful to look upon." Arcana Coelestia 1470

It is difficult to comprehend that evil and falsity are basically "nothing" when we know that we encounter them every day. But we can see that if we do not have them in our own life then they cannot touch us. There is no room for them in us. We still know however that others may be involved in things that are considered to be evil and false and we see the results and destructiveness of their actions. It is impossible to not encounter them. What is important though is how we deal with them. We must ever seek the Lords assistance and protection. We can also make it our constant practice to choose that which is good and true over that which is evil and false. I would like to end with this Prayer:

Dear Lord: I am so sorry that we are such course unfeeling beings, that we cannot recognize you when you come into our presence. We are so blind in so many ways and yet you offer us your unconditional love and truth even though it pains you to see our wretched condition. We ask that you help us to gain respect for your Divine Love and Divine Wisdom as it manifests itself in our lives; in the lives of unborn babes and in the poor and the weak, and the sick and the oppressed. Help us to pay more attention to your Divine Word, which is so beautiful in the way it can guide us and support us and teach us to live with one another in harmony and peace. Lord, we pray that your love will reach the hard hearts of mankind and soften them so we will dream of peace and not of war.

Lord Jesus, help us to understand that evil is nothing but the absence of good and falsity is naught but the absence of truth, and where love and truth reigns in the hearts of men, then evil and falsity, with its pain and sorrow cannot abide and soon departs; and what is false and foolish cannot affect the mind that rests in you.

Oh Lord. Reach out to me and take me in your arms, enfold me with your love, and clothe me in your truth. I love you Lord. I am so thankful for every act of love that I can share, and I feel so blessed with all I have. Be with me God, for now and evermore. Amen


Music: Dream of Angels, Live in Love
© Bruce De Boer - Used with Permission

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