Keller Story for Children Our
story today is about a girl called Helen. When Helen was very young, not
even two years old, she became very, very sick. She was so sick that she
almost died. She didn't die but she lost her hearing and her sight. Yes,
she became deaf and blind. Can
you imagine what it would be like to be both deaf and blind. If you close
your eyes tight, and put your hands over your ears so you cannot hear, you
will have an idea what it would be like. When Helen got over being sick
and was feeling well again, which took a long time, she found she couldn't
do very many things for she was bumping into things and tripping on
things. Her mother and father couldn't tell her where to walk or play
because she couldn't hear them, and they couldn't show her because of
course, she couldn't see them. Helen wanted to do things but it wasn't
possible so she would get very angry and upset and would fight and hit at
people. She couldn't talk because she had not learned before she was sick,
so she could not tell her parents what she wanted, or what she was
thinking. Her parents tried to teach her things but it was very difficult. When
Helen was about 7 years old her Mom and Dad hired a teacher to come and
liver with them. The teacher had a very difficult job and tried many
different ways to get Helen to understand. If
you had a friend who could not see or hear, how would you get them to do
things, and learn about things? You would have to get them to use their
hands to see and hear with. That
is what Helen's teacher did. She would lead her to something like a tree
or a horse and she would get her to touch it so that she would get an idea
of what its shape and size was. Then she would spell the word that
represented the object in the palm of Helen's hand. Well, she did this for
months and months, and Helen did not seem to understand what was
happening, although she loved going out for walks with her teacher and
touching the leaves and flowers and buildings and animals. And she was
feeling much more contented and happy. Then one day Helen's teacher was
trying to teacher her how to spell water but she wasn't having much luck
with it. So she took Helen out into the yard where there was a water pump
and she pumped water onto Helen's hands and arms and face and head, and
she kept spelling the letters W-A-T-E-R- in the palm of Helen's hand. All
of a sudden, just like a miracle, Helen realized that the letters being
made on her hand meant the stuff that was being washed over her arms and
face. Then she understood that all the other things her teacher had been
spelling on her hand represented the things that the teacher had gotten
her to touch. From that time on Helen learned very fast. She had
discovered what words were even though she could not see them or hear
them. When
Helen got older she learned to read books that have special letters that
are called braille. These are made up of little bumps that can be felt
with the fingers. She
later went to college and learned how to write. She wrote many books and
she traveled all over the world teaching and helping other people who were
blind or who were deaf. One of Helen's favorite books was the Bible, and
by reading with fingers she came to know all about Jesus and she learned
to love the Lord and to live by His Word. She was given several books that
were written by Emanuel Swedenborg, that a friend had transcribed into
Braille. She read these books with great interest and became a firm
believer in the teachings of the New Church. She said that these teachings
helped her a great deal in understanding the Bible and also about the
nature of her spirit. Helen's
life was not wasted because she could not see and hear. Her life was very
rich and very happy and productive. Her life is an inspiration to all of
us to do the best we can with the blessings that God has given to us.


Dream of Angels, Live in Love
© Bruce De Boer

Used with Permission