A Prayer to help deal with stress

A Daily meditation:
God help me to work through the stress
that is in my life today,
So that I need not be anxious for
I know that you have given me life that
is to be developed and enjoyed.
I know in my heart that you provide all
that I need for health for
Happiness, and for eternal life.
Please help me to remove those elements
in my life that stand in the
way of my enjoying your bounty to the
fullest extent.
Teach me to manage what seems to be
unmanageable and to use the
stress in my life for renewal and
Lord I pray that you will be with people
who have been
victimized and traumatized by the acts
of foolish, uncaring people,
who think that terrorism and killing
and domination are the only way to
resolve their problems. May those who
perpetrate such actions come to see
that the way to peace is through loving
acts of kindness and not through
violence and pain.

Island Spring © Nita Engle and is
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Heart and Soul
© 2001 Bruce DeBoer
Used with permission

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