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Til We Meet Again |
Thank you for visiting our homepage. We hope that you will come back and visit us often! Any Gifts left in the Guest Book will be transferred to our Gifts Page or our Women of Strength and Inner Beauty page on a regular basis (and deleted here). Thanks to all of you for the kind messages and gifts - they are very much appreciated!IF you
wish to sign our guest book, please go to our New Guest
Book page, |
wow! what an awesome and inspirational website! Thanks for bringing it to me : )
Many times I have used your inspired works to encourage others. It is a joy to see God's love unfold in your words. We appreciate what God has allowed us to experience through your gifted talent. Serving the Master, Joyce Taylor
Mrs. Rice, I pray God's blessings in your life. Your meditations have inspired my life for some eight years or more. I thank God for your insight. I love your spirit of humbleness and loving kindness. My prayer is that God will continue to shine in your life, as you continue to walk in his word and bless his people with manna from on high. Be Blessed--Barbara A. Butler.
I absolutly LOVE this,It is simply BEAUTIFUL!!!! I wish I could do something like this !!!!
This is a wonder place you have created,I am in mourning and it seems my life has fallen apart,reading thing like this give me a sense of ease, Thanks,Candi
Grieving is such a painful process - I am honoured to sign this book. Our 27 year old daughter died almost two years ago. She died a terrible death in our home. The pain seems to get deeper and most of our supports don't understand - in fact most have simply moved away from our lives. It is wonderful to find a site like this so that we don't feel so alone. Thank You.
Thank you for this website. I lost my mother last Sep 3rd. I'm having such a hard time with it, but I feel her presence around me constantly. I even smell the tobacco of her cigarettes from time to time and there are no smokers in my home! I think its her way of letting me know she's here. I guess I'm looking for info because there's so much I need to tell her and to hear from her.
I love your website and am honored that you have included a couple of my sermons from Our Daily Bread in it. Namely ( Denial, and Angels of Christmas) I have a series of four meditations that I have put onto audio tape and that have also been published in Our Daily Bread( The Temple of God, ,The Passion of the Cross, Jesus Walks Upon the Water, and The Resurrection of the Lord.) I produced them with background music from various albums: Fairy Ring by Mike Rowland, Solitudes by Dan Gibson and Dreamflight by Herb Ernst. If you would like them for your website they could be obtained from Lee Woofenden or I could send them to you. Keep up the good work. God bless you. Dave Sonmor
Dear Judy & Barb, Just stopped by to wish you a blessed, peaceful Easter season filled with love. Love, Mo
Have just found your site and I am looking forward to hours of interesting reading. I will connect again in a few weeks to give my thoughts.
Great graphics on your pages! Tons of info, fun to surf :)
Thank you for the information you have shared. I know now that I am not alone in the grief I am experiencing.
Thank you , thank you for the most beautiful inspiring site i have ever seen!
Thank you, thank you , thank you, for the most wonderful inspiring site I have ever encounter!
I'm so glad you are there for those who have lost. My sister in law told me about ,you as sadly she lost her husband, it has been a dreadful experience. Thankyou.
What a pleasant surprise to find such a caring and understanding web site. Thanks for caring!
Very nice web page and thanks from all the Viet Nam vets for remembering
Thank you, Judy, for responding to my plea for help and answering my question about the re-incarnation question I had asked you. I am sooo new to this that I really am determined to read and absorb everything I can. I just got finished reading your "Guest Book" and from what the comments are, well, both of you girls have made your mission happen. I was born in 1950, so I really know what went down with the Viet Nam War. Some of my friends never came back and those that did were never the same. Your both men who served & passed on, along with so many others must be your angels helping you both put this together. My heart goes out to both of you. My fiance was 45yrs old when he passed feb.3rd, 2001 from a massive heart attack, we believe, but until the autopsy report, I really don't know. I want to thank you for bringing me to your site...odd thing, my fiance and myself (which we both were surprised we had the same depth of interest of the American Indian) and look what has happened already! I found you! Love & Peace, Pattie---p.s. I will be reading & learning from you for a long time to come---MAY GOD BLESS ALL OF US!
You have wonderful pages and graphics. I will visit you again. Thank you very much for your sweet words in my guestbook. It means a lot.
Dear Judy, I am glad you created this page. Unfortunately there are those who will try to trick people into thinking they are the real thing, but are not. I am so sorry you had to experience that, but as you know you did have to. It probably started your quest for the knowledge you now have and are continuing with. I am also glad that you had your own intuition verified by a more reputable person and Spiritual Medium. I do offer my best to people when I give a reading and I always try to give details.If I am not getting something because I am blocked or spirit is not with me I apologize and Move on. I never seek to push my feelings onto anyone during a reading, if the person I am reading for says it does not fit then I move on. It is important that people also know that having a "reading" is not going to fix the pain, it may ease it and confirm things for you but only time, love and your faith in God will ease your pain in grief. Also, grief is an individual and very personal experience, no two people experience it the same way. So what takes some a year to heal from may take others a lifetime. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, feelings and experiences with us. You truly touched my heart. Love and Light God Bless, Irene
Dear Judy and Barb,just came by to wish both of you and your families a Happy Valentines Day! Bless you and yours!
Dear Judy, Thank you for answering my e-mail and leading me to this site. My husband is also a Marine and was wounded in Vietnam x2 but thanks to our Lord he returned safely and is now happily retired. Since the death's of my sister, mother and sister in law all with in 6 months of each other, my life has become totally up side down, lonely, and depressed. Some days Im not sure if I can go on. Your site has lifted my spirits realizing I'm not the only one who is hurting because the loss of loved ones Again I Thank You and Thank our Lord for caring people like you who help us through the grief that we suffer. May God Bless You and Us All~
My Dear Friend Judy, Thank your for your recent concern and support. You always seem to know the right things to say and do. I am truely blessed to know you. What would I do without you!
Judy just came to visit and to tell you that you are in my thoughts.
Awesome site to visit keep up the fine work. God bless.. George
I enjoyed my visit, and with so much to venture into and share with others my visits will be many. I enjoyed the poetry and the enlightening and touching matter you approached the subject of death. It is always refreshing to meet or bump into someone seeking no reason, but the faith of knowing that we go one...and never truly die. Thanks again..
Dear Jude, I just wanted to wish you peace and love on this day, Jim's Anniversary Day. May God be with you. I am sure that Jim is well aware of all that you do to help us all. We all love you. And Jim sure does too! With each anniversary that passes, it is another year closer to being with him for eternity. What a wonderful thought. God Bless you! Love, Mo
Judy....May Jim's spirit be with you on this anniversary day. Its truly amazing what love can do!! It created this wonderful site....it brought all our web friends together...it brought all the beautiful web pages to life...it created the music that touched us....and the ability to give of ourselves to others in need....and most of all it brought us to God... And may God bless you on this anniversary day.
Hi Judy, I could not let this day go by without signing your Guest Book and remembering Jim on the Anniversary of his passing. Dear Jim, Thanks to dear Judy, I feel like I know you and I truly admire you. Thank you for your loyal, brave, honorable and courageous service to our Country. You make me so very proud to be an American and I will always honor and respect your memory. God Bless you always. I thank you too for allowing Judy and I to meet. Judy, you have one of the most beautiful Websites I have ever seen. You are always in my heart, thoughts and Prayers. Love, Laura Hayes
Thank you all for responding to Kerri's request for prayers. But, I know that Gram is at peace now. Gram was a tough cookie. She was my mother in law and my biggest critic. I guess, if I had the opportunity to see my son get married, I would have been the same way. But through the years Gram softened and she became my best friend. She was never the same after losing Richie. She couldn't understand why God took him and she was still here. When Richie passed, I wanted her right by my side because I knew she loved him almost as much as I did. And that gave me great comfort. A few weeks ago, she asked my husband how Richie was. I should have known that something was going to happen. For the past week and a half, I felt a presence around me. It is hard to explain. But wherever I was, I felt that someone was behind me. I would see a shadow walk through the foyer or see it pass me. I would look back as it passed and it looked like someone was walking through the room. It definitely was the outline of a person. But, it was almost translucent. I had a gut feeling that the presence was Richie. I felt it in my heart. Somehow you just know. But I didn't know why I would suddenly start feeling this. Well, when Gram passed last night, I finally realized that he was around waiting to cross her over. She passed very quickly, within an hour and a half after she got to the hospital. She didn't suffer. Her heart just gave out. I am sure that she is so happy now. Imagine seeing Richie and knowing that they will be together for eternity. It must be truly awesome. Life surely does go on. I am sure that when she got there, Richie had to straighten up whatever mess he made and then take her for Chinese food (if they have that on the other side). That used to be one of his missions on earth. Grandma loved to eat out. So she is at peace and so am I, knowing that she is with him and will keep him in shape until I get there. I am sure that they had one heck of a New Year's celebration.
Please say a special prayer for my grandmother who passed away tonight. I know she is in God's hands and with my brother, Richie. I love you Gram.
Hi Jude & Barb, Just stopped by to wish you a Happy, Healthy New Year. my wish is for peace in our hearts for 2001. God Bless! Love, Mo
Just making the rounds this holiday season to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday! Please come visit my New Year's page and don't forget to sign my guestbook!
In WOSIB friendship,
Hello Judy: Well i had to come by and visit your pages as always they are very uplifting and they give me peace. Today has been very hard for me,my first Christmas with out Ellen. Thank you for all the beautiful work you have created in your pages,i really needed to read and visit your sites. Thank you for beeing there,and for all the help you have given me. God bless you.
As Always....your website is breathtakingly beautiful...thanks for stopping by mine.
Merry Christmas, Barb and Judy, May this season bring you joy and love and peace. May you be blessed and enriched for all you have done for those who are in pain from loss. I know, I have benefit from your insights and your touch, for this I am truly thankful and deeply grateful. May those who come here, find the comfort and the knowledge that our loved ones are always with us. Merry Christmas my dear friends.
Dear Judy & Barb, Just stopped by to wish you both a very Joyous and Blessed Christmas. Bless you both for having such a wonderful, healing place to visit. Happy Holidays! Love, Mo
I weep with joy, your site is the most beautiful place I have ever been to. A place to renew my spirit and my faith I thank you and may God bless you.
I have just lost my father, my aunt's mother that was like another grandmother and my good friend of 12 years. I haven't known my father that well because my parents separated when I was 10 and my mother forbid us to see him after I turned 14. My dad was my whole world and I always knew he was around even if we couldn't see him. He was a alcoholic and would get bad when he was drunk. My dad's brothers and sisters didn't know how and if to tell that he was in the hospital. I went once and didn't know how to react after I left except to cry for a minute then talk to my aunt about things. I was there when he was dying and held his hand. As his heart stopped I was uncontrollable and his heart started to react to it. I will never forget holding his hand as he passed. I will never forget my friend either. She was a really good friend and her sister said that she was proud of me and loved me. I went to her wake but could only stay a minute and my friends waited for me outside to make sure I was okay. Over the course of the few months my father was sick and has been gone, I have been in a deep depression that I have wanted to kill myself or have bad dreams about stuff that I can't sleep at night. The only way I can sleep is if I pray to God before I sleep and have Holy Water in my house.
Thank you for your beautiful website. I am experiencing a "mixed bag" of emotions, currently. My dad's had four cancer surgeries within the past nine months, and watching him deteriorate physically is tearing me apart and also releasing a lot of unacknowledged grief from my mom's illness and passing three years ago. The stories of others help by strengthening my faith in the belief that this is all not for nothing. I pray hard for my own ADC; that would REALLY help! Grief is indescribable. And it's reassuring to know others have felt this way and have healed.
I frequently vist bravenet message board; I just came from there and found your webpage. I have been wanting to make it to the Spiritual Enlightenment & Trusting Our Spiritual Experiences. Hopefully I will make it for this evening's. What I have searched so far on your webpage is absolutely beautiful! God bless...
Dear Judy and Barb, just came by your beautiful and loving pages to wish you a peaceful and happy Christmas with your loved ones, here on our side and Beyond. Love Harriet
Dear Judy, I love all of your graphic enhancements and your Christmas decor!!! Great Job. I am not ready yet for Christmas pages on my site, maybe next year but you did inspire me to recognize the season on my homepage! May you have a blessed holidy! Love, Madeleine
Name: Kathleen LaBonne
Location: Stillwater, MN USA
Date: Saturday, December 2, 2000 at 01:51:16
Comments:Your site was recommended to me by a friend. She says it has helped her in ways that grief counseling has not. I am mourning the loss of my my parents and have no family left so I look forward to discovering what your site has to offer. I hope it can help me, too.Name:Blue Fairy
Location: Tromso, Norway
Date: Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 14:11:39
Comments:I just stopped in to your beautiful home to wish you a warm welcome to
Women Of Strength & Inner Beauty.Name:Lisa
Date: Thursday, November 30, 2000 at 07:54:37
Location: Lafayette, LA U.S.A.
Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 at 00:29:37
Comments:Welcome to Women of Strength and Inner Beauty. You have a lovely site here..think I'll romp a little longer :o). Hope you enjoy being a part of Wosib. There's tons of fun and sharing and the most awesome women online. Hope we see you in the email list for a better chance to get to know you. Huggz from Ellie :o)Name:Tyra
Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 21:16:45
Comments:Great site you have here.I want to welcome you to WOSIB.You have joined a great group of ladies.Name:shayna
CADate: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 21:16:00
Comments:Hello...I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to WOSIB. I hope you enjoy this wonderful group as much as I do.....take care, shaynaName:Linda Tognetti
Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 19:04:04
Comments:I wanted to stop by and say hello to our new WOSIB Friend.
I?m sure you will find the ladies in this wonderful group as compassionate and friendly as I have. If I can help you in any way, please let me know.
Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 18:30:10
Comments:Welcome to WOSIB, Fellow Woman Of Strength & Inner Beauty! I loved my visit here! I hope you are considering joining a garden at WOSIB to be a part of something special and interact with some great ladies! Click on the graphics below to visit WOSIB or my site!Name:Lalia
Location: Chicago, IL USA
Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 16:18:28
Comments:Very beautiful site!
It brought tears to my eyes...
because I truly believe that those who have touched our lives and past
are still very much apart of our lives
and that they are still with us in spirit.
A warm welcome to
"Women of Strength & Inner Beauty",
a ring of women I consider very special virtual friends.
Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 14:20:53
Comments:Just dropped in to welcome you to WOSIB.Name:Laurie
Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 14:05:44
TxDate: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 07:24:16
Comments:Good morning and a warm welcome to WOSIB. We are so glad to have you with us. Hope to get to know you better. Your pages are good....... a bit sad ..... but good. I enjoyed reading them. I'm going to try the aura thing. (((hugs))) BettyName:Natalie
Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Date: Tuesday, November 28, 2000 at 02:09:30
Comments:Welcome, Welcome, Welcome....to the ~Women Of Strength And Inner Beauty~...so glad that you have joined, hope to see you around the e-groups!!! Hugs NatalieName:Krystal
Iowa USA
Date: Monday, November 27, 2000 at 23:31:50
Comments:Hi and welcome to WOSIB! I'm so glad you joined our group. I hope you enjoy being part of WOSIB. Be sure and check out the gardens if you haven't already and join some if you would like!Name:Ina
Location: Nassau, BS Bahamas
Date: Monday, November 27, 2000 at 23:18:59
Comments:Welcome to WOSIB! It is always wonderful to welcome new friends to the group :) Enjoyed my stay here nice site :) Take care Ina *hug*Name:Diane
Date: Monday, November 27, 2000 at 21:51:11
Comments:Welcome to Women of Strength and Inner Beauty! So Glad you Joined our Little Group =) You have a Wonderful Site! Happy Holidays!!Name: jackie clark
Location: canyon, tx usa
Date: Monday, November 13, 2000 at 19:15:24
Comments:Let this sink in first, then I will comment.Name:Christine
Ontario Canada
Date: Monday, November 13, 2000 at 15:38:12
Comments:You have a truly wonderful site, my visit was am extreme pleasure.
Name:Country Angel
Location: Kansas City, Mo USA
Date: Monday, November 13, 2000 at 00:49:08
Comments:Hello I just wanted to stop and say you have a wonderful site. I also would love for you to come take a look at a new site on the web. We have webrings, friendly competition, chat and more. If you click on the invitation you can follow me there.Name: Joan G.
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2000 at 21:41:27
Comments:After having visited many sites over the past while I have to say this is the most inspiring, beautiful site I have seen. I lost my son 7 years ago last month and if I could believe truly in these things I would be able to live for the first time in many years. Unfortunately, I have never had an ADC. I've hoped and prayed for one, but nothing. So I will just continue to read your inspiring messages and thank you for sharing your stories and hope that one day I too, can come to some kind of peace about life and death.Name:Madeleine
Location: Phoenixville, PA USA
Date: Monday, November 6, 2000 at 12:00:18
Comments:Your site gets more beautiful each time I visit it! I am learning some new things as well, hope this works. LOL... Love, Madeleine![]()
Date: Monday, November 6, 2000 at 02:11:15
Comments:Hi, I have enjoyed visiting your lovely Web site. You are cordially invited to join one/both of our webrings - Potpourri of Good Things, I Love My Family ~Peace...Pass it on!~ BrendaName:Joel
Date: Saturday, November 4, 2000 at 14:09:13
Comments:Being a Nam vet, I found a much different perspective at your site. There were always those left behind during that war. Many times faith was all that was left behind for anyone.Name:Mother Comfort
The United States of America
Date: Saturday, November 4, 2000 at 12:30:49
Comments:... it's so nice to re-visit.
Sincerely, Mother ComfortName:LInda
Date: Friday, October 27, 2000 at 15:21:25
Comments:You are cordially invited to join Women Of Strength & Inner Beauty! We are an online organization for women of all kinds, to come together, to live, laugh and learn. I think you and your lovely site would be a wonderful addition! We'd love for you to join us! If you're not interested in our membership, be sure to check out our awards program, free graphic sets and much more!
Name: Linda
Location: Flintshire, N.Wales UK
Date: Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 07:21:31
Comments:Your site and others like it are very comforting to the bereaved. I lost my beloved dog Tara 5 weeks ago, and it is this sort of communication that is helping me the most. Warm Regards, LindaName: Flo
Location: Redondo Beach, Ca. USA
Date: Friday, October 13, 2000 at 22:58:10
Comments:Hi my dear friend Judy, I am truly blessed to know you. I have just spent the last 2 hours in your site, especially the meditation site. You are so talented and so truly loving. Your mission is very clear & you are doing such a good job with it. Much love!! You are such an inspiration! Sending love and Hugs to all of you.Name: THERESA BATES
Location: SigersGlen, VA U.S.A.
Date: Thursday, October 12, 2000 at 21:19:48
Comments:I think this site is so cool.thank youName:Mother Comfort
Date: Saturday, October 7, 2000 at 12:40:33
Comments:I last visited your wonderful site on 21 May 2000 ... and it is indeed a pleasure to visit this lovely site again. May God continue to bless you and yours ... Sincerely, Mother ComfortName: BERNIE MC PHEE
Date: Friday, October 6, 2000 at 12:52:25
Comments:I ENJOY THE POETRY OF HELEN STEINER RICE.Name:Grandma and Grampa Bear
Location: Fremont, NEBRASKA USA
Date: Friday, September 22, 2000 at 21:31:54
Comments:We really,reaiiy like the site,it's one that you can just keep reading on and on like a good book you can't put down.You have some very good material,and it is very comforting to read,and that is why we just want MORE. It leaves us with a good feeling. Thank you THE BEARS (((BIG BEAR HUGS)))Name: Barbara Crickley
Location: Manchester, England
Date: Tuesday, September 19, 2000 at 16:56:05
Comments:Your site is a piece of heaven, right here on earth. Thank you Barb, and Judy. God bless you, love from BarbaraxxxName: david fegett
Location: milford, ill usa
Date: Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 21:18:16
Comments:i love all of what i got to see this time i well be back love always tootieName: Dee
Location: Emporium, PA US
Date: Monday, August 14, 2000 at 20:16:27
Comments:WOW!Name: teri lynch
Location: newport, or usa
Date: Saturday, August 5, 2000 at 14:19:44
Comments:wow!!! i just found this site and i can feel love all around me. it fills a void and is very comforting. it's also a whole lotta fun!! thank you for being here teriName: Cindy Taylor
Location: Frostburg, MD USA
Date: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 at 13:42:33
Comments:I am going through a lot of pain and grief over the loss of my brother on Easter Sunday, 2000. I have to find some way to find out that he's alright.Name: kristy Mceachron
Location: north freedom, wi usa
Date: Saturday, July 22, 2000 at 18:55:01
Comments:INSPIRATIONAL< KEEP IT GOING>>Name:SunshineRaven
Location: Niagara Falls , Ont Canada
Date: Friday, July 21, 2000 at 11:40:22
Comments:I just wanted to let you know that I think your site is just beautiful. I am of a different faith but lost my youngest child last year and know how important it is to believe (in whatever you decide) and also to know that there are others in the world that have 'gone through it', none of us have to go it alone. I think your page is very well done and I imagine its helping many. The best to you and yours. -RavenName:Alvin Ray Black
Location: Houston, TX USA
Date: Friday, July 14, 2000 at 10:41:36
Comments:After being married for 60 years my one and only love (Rosalie) passed away. I.m finding it very hard to believe shes gone.However Judy Ebbe has given me lots of comfort in living on with my loss.Name:Debra
KYDate: Saturday, July 8, 2000 at 21:57:54
Comments:I really enjoyed your site. I will come back again as I did not have time to view it all.Name:Jassmine
Oregon USA
Date: Tuesday, July 4, 2000 at 14:07:56
Comments:What a beautiful site I hope you will visit me on the web. subscribe to my newsletter, chat, get a free email, use the message boards, or get your own portal from everyone.net, apply for my award, exchange banners with me and get a permanent link on my site, submit your url to my search engine you are just the kind of site I want on my search. http://www.jassmine.com/elink/pages/index.htmlName: Doug and Carol
Email: misu68@aol.com
Website: http://www.expage.com/mattsrinkpage
Location: Virginia
Date: Thursday, June 29, 2000 at 09:57:45
Comments:In reference to the last message....to view the photo album on mattsrinkpage, the password is 684ever. Thank you and God Bless.Name: Doug and Carol
Email: misu68@aol.com
Website: http://www.expage.com/mattsrinkpage
Location: Virginia
Date: Thursday, June 29, 2000 at 09:54:01
Comments:This is a beautiful site. We lost our son two years ago to cancer. Please check out Matt's page at the above E-mail address. Much love and God Bless.Name: Susanm.
Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 at 10:08:54
Comments:A year and a half ago, I met two wonderful ladies on another website - dorissimo. I was experiencing vivid ADCs from my best friend/former boyfriend, Denver. Judy and Barb, better late than never - I've finally found your website. So much has happened to me in those eighteen months. With the hundreds of folks who've been blessed by your collaboration, I know 'the guys' are thrilled with you! I'll be back again soon - this is awesome! Blessings, Susanm.Name:Harriet
Location: The Hague, Netherlands
Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 at 08:29:48
Comments:Dear Judy and Barb, I just wanted you to know that the summerlook is really wonderful. I love your site!!
Name: Rich Vroome
Location: Pioneertown, Ca. USA
Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 at 20:37:48
Comments:Well I love that summer page and I love your website. So many areas of help and comfort. And your Swedenborg info page is just great. I'm so glad your spreading that truth as we need it so much to help heal our pain. May God Bless you both and thank you so much for all the help you have given me. Rich.Name: Jan G
Email: byrdgrl@hotmail.com
Location: Atlanta area, GA USA
Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 22:20:24
Comments:Somehow I don't think it was by accident that I stumbled onto your site tonight. I think that I was led here. I haven't time to do all the reading I would like to here tonight but rest assured that I will be back again and again. If you have time to visit my site, you will see why. I hope and pray that I am blessed by the same miracles that you have been blessed with. Thank you for the peace and comfort and the hope that I can already feel from coming here.Name: Starseed
Email: Renee@wycol.com
Location: Attica, NY USA
Date: Monday, June 19, 2000 at 22:57:07
Comments:What a beautiful page...I truly loved it...thank you for the wonderful things you have shared.. Namaste...StarseedName: Carole & John Grabish
Email: jgrabish@tbaytel.net
Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario Canada
Date: Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 10:06:59
Comments:Very beautiful. Thank you
Location: Sherwood, AR USA
Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 21:34:40
Comments:I just wanted to say hello and tell you how beautiful I think your graphics are. I look forward to checking out all of your topics. Love & Light!Name: suzanne breimann
Location: mastic, ny usa
Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 19:46:39
Comments:GINA MARIE RUDDY was my daughters 1st best friend in first grade. She will always be missed and always be loved. Thank you for your beautiful words & music.Name:Lady Salina
Date: Friday, June 9, 2000 at 09:35:20
Comments:Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? Weinvite you to apply to the Digital Delilah's Website Competition!! Or maybe you would like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to apply to join our web ring.
Location: desert hot springs, ca usa
Date: Wednesday, June 7, 2000 at 10:56:35
Comments:Hello Judy and Barb, your website is a constant source of comfort to me. Words can't express just what having this site has done for me. It has given me hope, encouragement and a shoulder to lean when life gets to hard. Since Michael's death I have been searching for answers and I HAVE found them in this site. Thank you for sharing these answers with me and with those who also are dealing with a loss. My love and prayers are with you ..and in the work that you do here. God bless you and keep you. Thank you Judy for being there.Name:Flo
Location: Edmonton, AB Canada
Date: Monday, June 5, 2000 at 13:21:24
What a beautiful site you have here, really had a great visit,
Just drop by to say Hello and wish you a HAPPY SUMMER
WOMEN of WORTH MEMBERName: Madeleine Dabbeekeh
Location: Phoenixville, PA 19460
Date: Friday, June 2, 2000 at 07:01:20
Comments:Thank you ever so much for this site and for all the new paths it is leading me down. Since the sudden and unexpected death of my husband 6 months ago, my world has literally been shattered and I often wonder if I will ever successfully pick up the pieces. Through books and sites such as this one, I am taking tentative steps to some form of healing. Learning about Swedenborg, "marriage in heaven" etc. has literally given me some reason to hold myself together and stay sane. I would like to thank everyone involved with this site for their willingness to give, to share and to offer a ray of light to those of us who are walking through the valley of utter darkness and despair. You are truly a gift from God. What a tribute to your dear, departed ones. I only hope that someday, I too will be able to bless others as much as this site has blessed and helped me. Once again, thank you and May God continue to bless you, MadeleineName: Laura Hayes
Location: Miami, FL USA
Date: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 03:20:13
Comments:Hi Judy, I just wanted you to know what a truly wonderful website you have and also what a special person you are. You are an inspiration and a Godsend to all who visit your website and to those of us lucky enough to know you! God Bless you always. You and Jim are always in my heart, thoughts and prayers. Love, LauraName:Beverly Zuerlein
Date: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 18:00:36
Comments:HELLO! What a wonderful, warm, helpful and sincere site you have created. I am SURE that it will bring hope and comfort to many, many folks as they wander in search of peace and answers to some of life's hardest questions. THANK you. BevName: Monique Sorrows
Location: Melbourne, FL USA
Date: Monday, May 22, 2000 at 21:16:18
Comments:Your site has been such a comfort to me. I lost my fiancé on 04/14/2000 to suicide. I knew from the moment I met him that I had found my soul mate and we had a very special bond that connected us. I am comforted by the fact that there is marriage in Heaven and communication between the deceased and the living. I am told that he is very happy and is working hard to help others. I have not actually had contact with him yet, but I sincerely hope that this happens. If there is anything that you think would be helpful to me, please let me know. Again thanks for sharing this beautiful site. Monique SorrowsName:Mother Comfort
Location: USA
Date: Sunday, May 21, 2000 at 12:26:27
Name: Melanie D
Email: MelanieD@webtv.net
Location: Seattle, WA
Date: Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 01:30:35
Comments:Dear Judy, Just want to say your site is packed with a lot of info, and is very wonderful and relaxing. Its a way to take some time out and regroup. I have been down a difficult road of grief and now healing, but I have experienced ADCs from my boyfriend who passed and I have to say that they have helped me a whole lot in the healing process. I love your site, it has so many different subjects that it addresses and I personally believe that Swedenborg has some very good teachings. Thanks for the wonderful site and may God bless you. MelanieEmail: salad@peoplepc.com
Location: Glenrock, Wy U.S.A.
Date: Tuesday, May 9, 2000 at 12:02:20
Comments: Beautiful Judy....
Name: nery
Email: nerypr@netscape.net
Location: San Juan, US Puerto Rico
Date: Saturday, May 6, 2000 at 23:01:01
Comments:You have a very beautiful site. We need to have people that gives faith to the world. There is so much violence. Keep up the great work. God bless youName: Tomius Strauss
Date: Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at 11:21:49
Comments:Whew!!!Name:angela hutchinson
Location: Conyers, GA USA
Date: Tuesday, May 2, 2000 at 18:16:43
Comments:What a beautiful and inspiring site...thanks so much for your hard work...it is breathtaking.Name:Harriet
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 14:46:08
Comments:Hi Barb and Judy, enjoyed my visit again, as I always do!
Name:Alvin Ray Black
Location: Houston, Texas USA
Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2000 at 14:43:50
Comments:Name: Kerri
Location: Toms River, NJ USA
Date: Saturday, April 22, 2000 at 22:19:47
Comments:Happy Easter Judy and Barb. Hope you have a wonderful day filled with peace and love! Love, KerriName:Mo
Location: Lavallette, NJ
Date: Saturday, April 22, 2000 at 21:45:09
Comments:Dear Judy & Barb, Just stopped by to wish you both a very Happy Easter. May God Bless you and give you peace during this holiday. Love, Mo
Name:Lisa Carlotta
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
Date: Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 23:18:50
Comments:Judy, What a wonderful site. I'll be here for days! Thank you for creating such a wealth of information. Thank you also for posting my mom's poem for Joshua! Love, Lisa (Magges'daughter)
Name: Flo
Email: ekitten@hotmail.com
Location: Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Date: Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 12:28:20
Comments: Thanks for the warm welcome to the WOW And for signing my guestbook I really appreciate this What a beautiful site you have here Really had a nice visit Keep up the great work Hugs FloName: Donna Beard
Email: Donna@Systematicservics.com
Location: Birmingham, Al US
Date: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 at 13:08:33
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Date: Saturday, April 8, 2000 at 14:28:57
Comments:You have an absolutely awesome site! It's so extensive and just jammed packed with wonderful information. I will be adding your beautiful site to my links section today so that others may visit your excellent work. KarenName:Jeremy Simons
Location: Bryn Athyn, PA USA
Date: Saturday, April 8, 2000 at 01:12:17
Comments:What a page! My older brother died in Viet Nam in 1968. He also was engaged. We have pictures that look just like the one of you two on your photo page. My family loved Carol very much, and we were amazed when she also was tragically killed only a few years later. I can't help but think that they are together in heaven. I too am a Swedenborgian minister, and I am incredibly touched by your journey to find the truth about heaven. I want to tune into your study this Sunday evening.Name: Robin K.
Date: Wednesday, April 5, 2000 at 15:44:45
Comments:Just want you to know I was here, enjoyed, and was wowed by the beauty of your remarkable gift to the universe! I love your bit of heaven in cyberspace. I am truly convinced that this site, these writings, sharings, this energy in cyberspace is creating the way for more and more ADC's... spirit/earthling communication. Or, am I totally out there, myself, are we just talking about it more? Hi, Judy... this is a love note to you and your sitemates. I'll be back......Name:Ms Rhett B
Date: Friday, March 31, 2000 at 22:42:09
Comments: Thank you for taking the time to visit my page and sign my guestbook. I enjoyed my visit to your page.Name:Lady Paje
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 at 11:27:27
Comments:Hello and thank you for the kind welcome to WOW. You have an amazing website. I will be visiting again. I do believe that when our loved ones pass on, they watch over us. My grandmother passed away when I was 9 years old and I still feel her close to me. Especially when I am in times of need. Thank you again.Name: Margie King
Email:margie@merryland.com & mrgkng@aol.com
Location: Augusta, GA USA
Date: Saturday, March 25, 2000 at 22:36:17
Comments:I have have been friends with a guy for eleven years that survived Vietnam and feel that I can relate to you. Thanks for your insight. Margie KingName:Judi
Location: Cardiff, Wales
Date: Friday, March 24, 2000 at 14:12:19
Comments:Hello Judy, what a beautiful site. I have spent a long time here and still I have bookmarked you and will be back to visit, thank you for sharing so much and thank you also for your lovely welcome to WOW and for signing my Guest Book. Peace to you on your life's journey *hugs* JudiName:Rev. Dr. Reuben P. Bell
Location: Sudbury, MA USA
Date: Thursday, March 23, 2000 at 12:48:31
Comments:A very interesting site. As you obviously know, people in our culture do not deal with spiritual issues well (and death issues almost not at all), so they focus on the material and the natural. This leads to emptiness, which leads to the excesses we read about in the newspaper. Your site is a useful introduction to the spiritual life! I am a New Church minister in the Boston area. Our web site is still under construction, but try us out sometime. Keep up the good work!Name:Feonua
Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 20:54:03
Comments:This is a wonderful site, so much information and options! The poetry is especially touching.Name: Debbie Bozek
Location: Allen Park, Mi United States
Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 15:36:12
Comments:Sister died 2 weeks ago today.Name:Carol
Location: Columbus, OH USA
Date: Monday, March 20, 2000 at 20:14:53
Comments:Just stopped by to visit, a little delayed in returning your kind words in my guestbook....and what can I say? WOW! What a website. Thanks for sharing so much from the heartName:Kay
Date: Thursday, March 16, 2000 at 16:26:33
Comments:Thank you for your warm welcome to WOW & your very kind words. God bless you † Your site is amazing! Luv & light, Kay *smiles*Name:Phil
Location: Toronto , ON Canada
Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 18:50:10
Comments:Very touching, informative website. I shall recommend it to anybody who is grieving. It's written and put together by the heart.You are wonderful people.- Greetings PhilName:Beverly
Date: Friday, March 10, 2000 at 12:36:00
Comments:Thank you for your kind welcome to WoW. It has truly been a pleasure visiting your. I look forward to getting to know you and returning to enjoy more of your wonderful pages.Name:Starrynite (Teresa)
Date: Sunday, March 5, 2000 at 11:39:07
Comments:Thank you so much for welcoming me to WOW (I'm about a month late in my thank-you's...sorry!)! You have a very touching site with a lot of wonderful links; I enjoyed my visit here.Name:Annette
Mississippi USA
Date: Friday, March 3, 2000 at 09:55:54
Comments:My, my!!! What an absolutely beautiful site!! You are just so talented my dear new found sister. Thank you so much for visiting my site as well as your kind welcome. May God bless you always. Keep up your beautiful work. It is breathtaking.Name:FRANK&LAQUADA
Date: Friday, March 3, 2000 at 08:40:37
Comments:VERY NICE WEB SITE.Name: hopeful
Location: southaven, ms
Date: Wednesday, March 1, 2000 at 19:03:09
Comments:Beautiful site. Thank you. How do you add a memorial?Name:Friendpoet
Location: Salt Lake City, UT USA
Date: Wednesday, March 1, 2000 at 12:18:37
Comments:Thanks for visiting and welcoming me to WOW...the poem " The Boys who fought in Nam" is a poem sent me from a friend and I think it has a lot of meaning...Name:Bev Zuerlein
Location: San Deigo, CA
Date: Wednesday, March 1, 2000 at 10:53:17
Comments:Hello! What a wonderful, restful, relaxing and pretty site you have created here. A real oasis on the web. I'm pleased that you have chosen to include some of my graphics on your pages. Sincerely, BevName: jackie (jad)
Date: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 at 16:38:58
Comments:thank you for such a wonderful site. so much to read and absorb!!!! i will be back!!! thank you - i had a rough day and this has made me feel more at peace again. please keep up the good work - All of you who have contributed.Name:Lita Trace
Location: Augusta, GA USA
Date: Sunday, February 27, 2000 at 09:23:03
Comments:Your site is beautiful. You are a very talented person. I have bookmarked your site. Visit me when you have time.Name:Maxine
Location: New York, NY USA
Date: Thursday, February 24, 2000 at 11:53:52
Comments:Thank you for visiting The BratCats, signing our guest book and welcoming me to WOW. Your site is just beautiful, Judy, and I have bookmarked it for future visits. Much too much to see at one time.
Location: Victoria, BC Canada
Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 at 19:47:39
Comments:Just wanted to pop on in and say heyName:Sheila
Location: Hilversum, Netherlands
Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 10:31:55
Comments:You have a beautiful web site. I really enjoyed my visit. Keep up the beautiful work. Peace!Name:George
Location: Pottsville, PA USA
Date: Monday, February 21, 2000 at 01:36:22
Comments:Hi What a wonderful and rewarding site to visit. It is just awesome. Keep up the good work. Come visit my humble site and if you will sign my guest book. God Bless. GeorgeName:Dan
Location: Pomona, California USA
Date: Saturday, February 19, 2000 at 00:51:25
Comments:You have a great website, very creative. Have a nice day!
Name:Judi T.
Date: Friday, February 18, 2000 at 16:02:47
Comments:Hi Judy! I really enjoyed my visit here. What a GREAT spiritual website. Good job! Please stop by my site for a visit. Don't forget to sign my guest book as well (located at bottom of intro/speech pg.). Thanks!Name:Harriet
Location: the hague, netherlands
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2000 at 17:01:42
Comments:Barb, I just wanted to tell you, that " The day of love" is absolutely beautiful. and the graphics lovely. I will come and read it many times. Blessings and love HarrietName:Mogens Persson
Location: Cobenhagen, Denmark
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2000 at 12:33:39
Comments:Hello from Denmark. Hi, this is a beautiful homepage! I have spent half the evening here checking out all your links and have had a lovely visit. .Please accept this little act of kindness from me. Take care.!! Mogens
Date: Thursday, February 17, 2000 at 09:40:34
Comments:Thanks for signing my guest book! You have such a spiritual site! I really enjoyed my visit! Thanks for sharing it with me!! HUGS!!Name:Traci & Murphy
Location: Nothern, CA USA
Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 13:44:19
Comments:What a beautiful site! Keep up the great job!Name:Rachelf
Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 12:24:17
Comments:hi there and thanks for visiting me and welcoming me to WOW! :) Your page is really great. Take care!Name:Nancylane
Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 00:33:23
Comments:Judy, I have been here several times, reading, viewing, and touring your lovely, interesting site. I wanted to meet the girl in my dreams. Your romance with Jim was a very special one. I also read the first two lessons on revelations. I have never believed in a trinity till I read lesson one. Jesus' statement there makes it quite plain that he is God!! I will be back, but then I think you already know that. I do not know the reason yet, for my soo real dream, but maybe I will find the answer soon. Hugs NancylaneName:Dee
OHIODate: Tuesday, February 15, 2000 at 00:17:22
Comments:Thought I would repay the visit and I am glad I did for I have enjoyed my visit very much here at your home.Name:Janlar
Date: Monday, February 14, 2000 at 19:19:35
Comments:Hi! returning your visit.. love your site and am looking forward to re-visiting often.Name:Dee
Date: Saturday, February 12, 2000 at 22:43:04
Comments:Wow, you have an extensive site. It is very professional looking. I am in the Navy so I especially liked the VET links. Thank you, I enjoyed my visit. Take care, DeeName:Fancy
Date: Saturday, February 12, 2000 at 19:51:16
Comments:You have a wonderful peaceful home on the net. Thank you for sharing it with me i had a wonderful visit!Name:Suzy
Date: Saturday, February 12, 2000 at 14:04:13
Comments:Welcome to Women of Worth from the Graphics Team" Wanna join the team? Go here to subscribe: http://www.topica.com/lists/WoWgraphics
Location: Victoria, BC Canada
Date: Saturday, February 12, 2000 at 11:20:18
Comments:This is very beautifulName:Christine
Location: Erie, PA USA
Date: Friday, February 11, 2000 at 22:47:13
Comments:I really enjoyed my visit here to your beautiful site, lots of stuff here, take care and have a good dayName:Fairy SparkleFrog
Location: Belleview, Fl U.S.A.
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2000 at 13:40:14
Comments:Hello!! I just thought I would drop in and tell you , you have a beautiful site...The site above is my mother's site...she just started to make pages, so i thought I would give her support .So as I was looking through people's web pages anyways, i would put her url in there...:O) Hoping she would get more people to her site. If you would like to see mine though it is at: http://www.geocities.com/hot_chica69_24_7 Thanks!!! And GREAT JOB!! *~~*~~*Fairy SparkleFrog*~~*~~*Name:Lady Angel
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2000 at 13:31:43
Comments:Huggers. Thank you so much for the warm Welcome to Wow. Your page is great. It is so big with so much to do. I am kind you found a special friend. Thank you again Judy and have a great valentines. *smile*
Name:Tanya Brady
Location: Anniston, Al USA
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2000 at 10:58:51
Comments:Thank you so much for stopping by and signing my guest book at Tanya's Place it was a joy to have you. You have a wonderful Site here absolutely wonderful. I can tell the love and care you have put into your pages. Although I was too young to really remember the war itself, my heart and prayers go out to all the ones who have lost a loved one to this unavoidable accident. Thank you for reminding us all who we have to be thankful for for our freedom. May God Continue To Bless You And Your Family....Name:Waymaker
Location: Belton, MO USA
Date: Wednesday, February 9, 2000 at 20:39:09
Comments:~~~Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.~~~
Thank you for an enjoyable visit. You have a wonderful site! Come and visit us when you can.
We'd also like to invite you to join the Daily focus on Prayer. It is a devotional sent out 3-4 times a week. We are currently using "In His Presence" by E. W. Kenyon. CLICK HERE TO JOIN
Name: Bridget
Location: Boston, Ma USA
Date: Monday, February 7, 2000 at 10:34:34
Comments:What a beautiful site.Name:mary-anne
Date: Saturday, February 5, 2000 at 20:54:04
Comments:Am so glad I came across your website (through Point of Focus Graphics!). I just read several of your pages and not one failed to touch me. I am not sure I completely understand it all but maybe - for me, anyway - the understanding will come later. I admit some of it scares me a little bit but then the unknown is always scary and I've had certain out-of-the-ordinary experiences in life that left me wondering. I'm not sure what I'm trying to say here, just that I found some comfort within your pages.Name:wendyjune
Location: Atlanta, GA USA
Date: Monday, January 31, 2000 at 14:40:45
Comments:Hi! Just stopping by to welcome you to WOW! Your graphics are beautiful! *S*
Date: Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 23:17:08
Comments:Welcome to WOW.Name:Poison
Location: Jonesboro, GA USA
Date: Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 22:07:04
Comments:Welcome to WOW! What a pretty website! Thank you for sharing it with others!Name:Sassy
Location: South, GA USA
Date: Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 15:55:40
Comments:Welcome to WOW.
You have such a beautiful site
I enjoyed it very much.
Please except this gift from me to you.
I hope that you can come visit me sometime.Name:Jan Huddle
Location: Woodbridge, VA USA
Date: Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 12:19:14
Comments:Hi Judy - Welcome to the Women of Worth. I'm sure you'll find that you are glad you joined. Look forward to getting to know you!Name:Fanchette
Date: Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 13:08:19
Comments:Welcome to Women of Worth. Glad to have you with us.Name:Pat
Date: Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 11:15:22
Comments:Came by to Welcome you to Women of Worth. Hope you enjoy meeting everyone.Name:Misker
Email :miskersden@miskersden.com
Date: Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 08:43:15
Comments:welcome to WOW!! it is great having you with us--I am looking forward to getting to know you better!Name:Sandy
ga usa
Date: Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 07:47:31
Comments:What a beautiful web site you have!! just wanted to extend to you a warm welcome to WOW!Name:MsCatzEyes
Location: Loma Linda, CA USA
Date: Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 05:34:21
Comments:Welcome to Women of Worth I am sure you are going to enjoy being a part of this wonderful group of kind and caring women! I look forward to getting to know you and I am pleased that you joined us. You have done a great job with your site and I haven't looked at it all but I am impressed with what I have seen so far.
A welcome gift for You!
Name: Robin
Location: New York, NY
Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 at 15:13:07
Comments:Barb and Judy, first of all, I am in awe of how beautiful this site is... how'd you do dat? I read more of your writings today than I have in the past... very timely to read just what I am feeling and experiencing about my "relationship' with Bryan. It's been 3 years and some months since his ADC's began (again) after many years of no contact and I don't know why but today it is harder and I miss him more than ever. It does help to read your comments about "feeling like a freak", not trusting your own feelings, thinking you're crazy, that this isn't real, that your grief is creating these "thoughts". I just want you to know, more than anything, what a service this site is, what a gift you are to me, and that I am in awe of both of you. Thanks for sharing your intimate experiences and for your friendship... you really matter to me. With love, RobinName: Donna,
Location: Parma, oh usa
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 23:05:22
Comments:its a very special siteName: Pearl Wlostowski
Location: Alden, NY USA
Date: Thursday, January 20, 2000 at 14:22:49
Comments:I lost my son, who was 20 yrs old 2 1/2 yrs ago to a car accident. The loss is so great sometimes, I feel that it is overpowering. Thank God for people like you who try to help with your websites. Thank you, and God Bless.Name: Caressa
Location: The Hague, Netherlands
Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2000 at 14:52:22
Comments:What a beautiful site! I was touched by the page where I found Thomas's poem. I will return to your pages often and they will give me much pleasure and inner peace.Name:harriet
Location: the hague, netherlands
Date: Sunday, January 2, 2000 at 16:17:43
Comments:Dear Judy and Barb, just visited your lovely pages again and always go away feeling so much better within myself. May the year 2000 bring you and your loved ones happiness and blessings.Name: Kerri
Location: Toms River, NJ USA
Date: Sunday, December 19, 1999 at 22:29:10
Comments:Beautiful Christmas page Judy. What a great gift to all of us suffering a loss. You are a great person who always thinks of others pain. Love You, Peace KerriName: Mo
Location: Lavallette, NJ USA
Date: Thursday, December 16, 1999 at 17:39:38
Comments:Hi Jude, Just stopped by on one of my many visits to your site. The Christmas Page is just beautiful. As usual, you did a great job. May you have a holiday filled with love, comfort, peace and above all, beautiful memories of days gone by. And yes, one more thing. Know that you bring great comfort to us that mourn. I am so glad that I met you. I consider you a true friend. Merry Christmas & God Bless! Love, MoName:Stephanie
ca usa
Date: Thursday, December 16, 1999 at 04:19:46
Comments:This is one of the best web sites I've seen in a long time. Easy to navigate, graphics are beautiful! you can see a lot of time, thought and effort has gone into this site. I sent the url to a few friends so they can enjoy the site also. I'll add a link from my site to yours so more people can find it. PEACE to you!Name:Angels of the Storm Webring
Date: Monday, December 13, 1999 at 06:01:41
Comments:Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas!!
And the Best for the New Year...2000!Name:Stormy
Location: Oshawa, Ont Canada
Date: Saturday, December 11, 1999 at 21:47:15
Comments:Greetings!!!! I just stopped in to welcome you to the AOTS webring. You have one of the most serene and welcoming sites that I have ever had the pleasure of visiting. I am leaving here with a wonderful sense of calm a definite intention on returning *S*Name:Terri
Date: Saturday, December 11, 1999 at 09:53:47
Comments:This is one of the most beautiful, peaceful sites I've found so far. Wonderful job!Name: yvonne ranks
Location: mission, b.c. Canada
Date: Monday, December 6, 1999 at 00:17:21
Comments:We lost our 16 year old daughter on October 11.1998. Learning how to cope is incredibly hard. Myself I found comfort in books like Hello from Heaven. It gave me hope that there really is life after death, and some communication. The only problem is I haven't seen/heard this communication and therefore get skeptical at times. But I think this website might help a little more. Thank you
Date: Thursday, December 2, 1999 at 17:02:38
Comments:Hi JudiE ! Nice Website, my compliments! Thanks for the MB's address, it works very well!
Much Love, Light & Peace.
Location: Rotterdam, Holland
Date: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 at 07:19:40
Comments:"I stopped by to wish you and yours a Merry Christmas
and to fill your day with Golden Moon wishes.
From our "Family" to yours, Monique,
Golden Moon Wishes Team, Sisters of the Golden Moon"
Name: Robin Karp
Location: new york, NY
Date: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 12:04:55
Comments:Judy, Maggie and Barb, this year my Thanksgiving prayers include gratitude for you and this wondrous place of loving communication. My loving guide, Bryan, led me here and we share that love with you. God bless you in love and light and peace.
Location: JC, NJ USA
Date: Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 06:48:42
Comments:Visited your site. Good to see someone has taken time to dedicate to Veterans...
Name: Tee
Date: Sunday, November 21, 1999 at 10:02:08
Date: Saturday, November 20, 1999 at 13:53:02
Comments:I just read your story, "Soldier's Grace", and felt that it was wonderful, and also so very true. I was sent to your site by a Vietnam Vet, and I'll be back to explore more of your writings and thoughts. A young man who was killed in Vietnam walks with me daily. Thank you, Jausten
Name:Adrian Mathews
Date: Thursday, November 18, 1999 at 01:09:22
Comments:Hello, you have a wonderful website do come by and visit us again and while your there do sign our guest book. FREE Book - "Walking In New Life" - Plus our site offers many resources through reciprocal, banner, button link exchanges and Christian Resources. God Bless...
Location: Lane, KS USA
Date: Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 16:29:33
Comments:Judy....I so loved your website...I added it to my favorites...So I can come back again and again...I pray for ADC's....Thank You so Much for EVERYTHING!!! Sending Love & Prayers, Jackie
Name: kathy
Location: hudson, fl usa
Date: Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 00:30:59
Comments:My brother died about 2 years ago and about 1 year ago I was taking some pictures and he showed up on one of them and we have had some other very strange things happen.
Name: a curious girl
Date: Wednesday, November 3, 1999 at 16:32:19
Comments:hello yes. I am very new to all this . I don't know much about it. I would like to communicate with the two killers at columbine high school who died on April 20,99. their names were Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. I do think I had one brief experience at night when I was asleep. but I have never been able to repeat it. I really need help. if someone could give me some instructions or tips I would really appreciate it. please post your responses here. thanks.
Name: Bonnie
Location: Toronto, Ont Canada
Date: Tuesday, November 2, 1999 at 21:48:21
Comments:This wonderful site has helped me tremendously during the first anniversary of my Mom's passing. Thank you so very, very much. Bonnie.
Name: Sharyn Powley
Location: Grafton, NSW Australia
Date: Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 08:44:54
Comments:An absolutely BEAUTIFUL site. Thank you, Sharyn
Name: Chez
Tas Australia
Date: Tuesday, October 26, 1999 at 21:05:14
Comments:My mum passed away last year suddenly and would like to communicate with anybody that can relate to this.
Location: simi valley, ca ventura
Date: Monday, October 25, 1999 at 01:09:24
Comments:my husband of 44 years passed away on oct.2nd of this year, he had been a heart patient for many years in the past couple of years he had become a respiratory pt. he also was a insulin dependent diabetic. There's not much more I can say. I'm just having trouble with grief and don't no how to handle it. I have one child at home he is 43 and handicapped he is classified as trainable mentally retarded...and he is such a joy to have...thanks God for him. thanks very much
Name: harriet
Location: The Hague, netherlands
Date: Sunday, October 24, 1999 at 10:38:47
Comments:I'm glad I found your site. I communicate with loved ones in the life beyond! It has made me a whole new positive person.
Name: Jenn
Location: burlington, on Canada
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 21:13:16
Comments:I'd like some one to talk to that has lost their Mom. She was my best friend and I feel very lonely since she left.
Location: New Orleans, LA] USA
Date: Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 00:26:16
Comments:This is a good feeling, comfortable site. Also, a beautiful one. Makes one feel good just being here.
Name:Flo Swiger
Location: Redondo Beach, Cal USA
Date: Saturday, October 9, 1999 at 16:25:53
Comments:This is a wonderful Website. I subscribe to the philosophy herein. The afterlife is awaiting everyone. I have a prayer to share, but don't know where to put it.
Name:Flo Swiger
Location: Redondo Beach, Cal USA
Date: Saturday, October 9, 1999 at 16:11:37
Comments:I know your lives have been filled with grief over loved ones lost, But I want to share with you that You have already experienced Love, Unconditional love that I still long for.
Name: Kristen Doddridge
Location: SLC, Utah USA
Date: Saturday, October 9, 1999 at 08:13:49
Comments:I forgot to give my E-mail Address Anyone who can give advice or info on grieving
Name: Kristen Doddridge
Date: Saturday, October 9, 1999 at 07:58:39
Comments:I am grieving the loss of my father and I have not been able to cope with this. I don't know how to grieve.
Name: Patricia W.
Date: Thursday, October 7, 1999 at 16:09:06
Comments:Thanks for this inspirational site to give me guidance to comfort my friend through loss of her eldest son. In health and appreciation
Name: Kim Looman
Date: Thursday, October 7, 1999 at 13:08:18
Comments:Very nice website, I recently lost my daughter Katelyn to SIDS, she past away 9/2/99.
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 1999 at 15:54:37
Comments:What a beautiful site/sight! Thanks for being here.
Name: Rich from ADC
Location: Pioneertown, Ca. USA
Date: Saturday, October 2, 1999 at 02:32:10
Comments:Love your sight!! You are all future Angels in Training. I Can see your Aura's from here. Love Ya, Rich.
Name: Candy Towsley
Location: Orlando, FL USA
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 13:19:43
Comments:I lost my husband 18 months ago. He was my best friend and a wonderful father.
Name:D. Walsh
Location: Kent, Wa USA
Date: Saturday, September 25, 1999 at 06:42:56
Comments:Very nice web page. Great design!
Name: Diane Graff
Location: Warrington, PA USA
Date: Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 17:18:13
Name: Gloria Smith
Location: Rancho Cucamonga, CA USA
Date: Sunday, September 5, 1999 at 18:52:28
Comments:What a heavenly sight! I don't even know how I came across your Web site, but, it is beautiful, calming, reassuring, and certainly inspired. Thank you so much. My daughter, Victoria, died at age 15, from leukemia. It seems as if it was only yesterday that I held her in my arms, but it will be seventeen years in November. Remember, the pain never goes away, it only lessens with time.
Name: mary
Location: lv, nv usa
Date: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 03:26:17
Comments:My husband and I have been suffering with pain for the 5 months since the murder of his mother and her friend, I would like to here from you.
Name: Patsy Phillips
Location: Harrodsburg, Ky USA
Date: Friday, August 27, 1999 at 22:23:05
Comments:my 24 yr. old son killed himself on 04-25-99 with a gun, we don't know why. pray for me and his brothers and sister, also everyone else that was a big part of his life! everyone loved him and he knew that so we cannot understand, he was a kind and giving young man, we miss him so much. THANKS
Location: Ft. Worth, TX Tarrant
Date: Friday, August 27, 1999 at 10:02:35
Comments:I recently lost my husband. I miss him very much and I am currently trying to reach out to others who may be able to give me some insight. I am a Christian. I know this is God's plan, but it is also very painful.
Name:Kimmy Smith
Location: Lake Charles, LA USA
Date: Sunday, August 22, 1999 at 16:13:02
Comments:You have a great page. Unfortunately, in this webring we all understand grief. Stop by if you get a chance. Take care.
Name:Kris Bethea
Location: Vilseck, Germany
Date: Monday, August 16, 1999 at 14:44:55
Comments:You have a wonderful memorial site. It is truly amazing that you two were able to find each other and be there for each other. I wanted to visit your page and welcome you to the Without You Webring. God Bless.
Name: regine
Location: wahiawa, hiDate: Monday, August 16, 1999 at 12:29:49
Comments:aloha, this is the mother of Hugh's best friend Chico. it is so terrible what has happened and i feel also with you. my son will never be the same. may god bless you all.
Name: J. Taniguchi
Location: Pearl City, HI USA
Date: Saturday, August 14, 1999 at 01:09:32
Date: Friday, August 13, 1999 at 23:55:25
Location: Southport, Fl. USA
Date: Thursday, August 12, 1999 at 12:21:15
Comments:Dear Judy and Barb , I am so sorry for your loss of Jim and Johnny , you have made a Beautiful Memorial page in their Memories . I wanted to Welcome you to the Without You Webring , and to let you know we are here for you if you need us , Sending Lots of Love and Prayers your way , Love and Blessings , JoAnn
Location: Aurora, IN
Date: Monday, August 9, 1999 at 21:02:16
Comments:Hi Judy, Its me Magge. I am still touring your site. It is lovely. There is so much good information. Jim is so handsome and I am very sorry for the terrible loss. He deserved to live a full life. I know he gave his life for me, my children, and everyone in the world. That does not make his loss any less sad. I know that time and your search for knowledge has helped you. Your search and your teachings are helping others and we owe a debt of gratitude to Jim for that. God bless you Judy and keep up your good work.
Quebec Canada
Date: Saturday, August 7, 1999 at 21:13:21
Comments:It is always a tragedy when we lose someone we love. The pain and grief seem never ending at times and yet with time it does become easier. Always remember the precious memories you carry in your heart and mind for those are what help in dealing with our loss. It is during these times that the Lord surrounds us with his love and comfort. God Bless and be with you always.
Name:WiseHearts! Universal Hope For A WiseHearted Planet!
Location: Windsor, ON Canada
Date: Friday, August 6, 1999 at 08:06:24
Comments:What a wondrous web creation....wisdom...faith...hope and serenity...a glorious haven! From: Terri McPherson
Name:Ellie Braun-Haley
Location: in the country, Alberta Canada
Date: Tuesday, August 3, 1999 at 22:42:54
Comments:This is a very powerful site! I am so happy to see pictures. I love to know the people who are talking to me. I recorded a story of a mother who talked with her son for over a year. She so needed that! He had been kidnapped along with his younger brother and for two years she did not know were the father had taken them. Then she got a phone call that he was going to allow the boys to return to her. But shortly after that the boy was killed in a car accident. they both needed to talk! And they did! It is so great to find more people who have had longer!!! conversations. Thank you for your courageous and wonderful Web site. I didn't get everywhere. Blessings, Ellie Braun-Haley
Name:Pamela Durr
Location: Walla Walla, wa usa
Date: Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 10:59:03
Comments:Thanks for your e-mail I am sorry for leaving you a wrong link sometimes my fingers type to fast and my mind don't work. I wanted you to check out my veteran page I just created in honor of my cousin, Bruce go to menu then to A special tribute to a veteran. hugs
Name:Pamela J Durr
Location: Walla Walla, wa usa
Date: Monday, July 19, 1999 at 09:57:22
Comments:Hello, you have a wonderful web site I will be back to visit again. Hugs to you I have a page on trauma, grief related to losses and healing with my mom, grandpa. I am in the process of creating a page for my dear cousin Bruce who died in Vietnam. I am a social worker at the VA hospital here my heart song is helping my brothers who walked thru combat... hugs
Name: Rhonda Lathrop
Date: Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 07:52:07
Comments:I too, have lost a loved one.
Name: Rhonda S. Lathrop
Location: Seymour, IN USA
Date: Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 07:50:40
Name: Barbara
Date: Monday, July 12, 1999 at 21:44:26
Comments:Hello JudyE! I thank you again for your email. It helped. It's a pleasure to become acquainted with all of these comforting web sites. I do need help.
Name: Jane Mower
Location: Houston, Tex USA
Date: Friday, July 9, 1999 at 10:00:22
Comments:Your web site is so nice. Thank you. Jane Mower
Name: Faith
Location: Chicopee, MA USA
Date: Saturday, July 3, 1999 at 19:41:03
Name: Deanna Nix
Location: Garden Grove, CA USA
Date: Monday, June 21, 1999 at 19:03:55
Comments:Beautiful Job Judy and Barb.
Date: Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 21:21:40
Comments:Great Page .. wonderful dedication!
Glad I found your site!Hope to see you soon! *S*
Name: Cheryl
MaineDate: Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 17:29:36
Comments:I think I'm going to like this place!
Name: Grant Schnarr
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 at 08:45:53
Comments:Hello Judy and Barb, What a beautiful site. I am a Swedenborgian minister, and must say that the page on Swedenborg is outstanding! Blessings upon you, Grant Schnarr
(This post was copied from the Message Board by the webmaster)
Name: Cecil Jividen
Location: Black Mountain, NC USA
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 at 20:48:19
Comments:I have just begun my second phase of this adventure, both in spiritual awareness of the afterlife and of figuring out how to do the technical things on this site. Don't give up on me. I'll work on it ...with your help. God bless you richly and feel the Spirit's draft from the angel wings.
Name:Dawn Walsh
Location: Kent, Wa USA
Date: Monday, June 14, 1999 at 04:27:07
Comments:Great web page.
Name: Katrina Bevins
Date: Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 14:22:57
Comments:I'm sorry I was so eager to leave a message I forgot to finish my e-mail address.
Name:Katrina Bevins
Location: Inez, Ky USA
Date: Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 14:20:11
Comments:I recently lost my best friend of 8 years to a tragic car accident. in his memory our high school band set up a web page in his memory, even though I am now in college I was deeply touched by what these students had done in his memory, out of these it has become my quest to visit others who have done the same for their loved ones, after all that is why they are there, to share with others the ones we love who have left us, I have to say that your site is extremely beautiful and touching. God bless you and keep up the good work until you finally see your loved ones again.
Location: Aurora, il USA
Date: Wednesday, June 9, 1999 at 14:08:32
Comments:Judy, I'm a friend of Margaret's! We met through Bill Golden's web page. Margaret has told me how much you have helped her in creating the web pages for James & the girls! Somehow, although we've never written, I do feel in a way that I know you. Grief is a very strange! Your pages are beautiful and I just thought I'd write to tell you! If you get a chance, please visit our son, Ricky's, web page that he has created for our Tammi. May God richly bless you... Robin
Name: Kari
Location: Fremont, ca United States
Date: Wednesday, June 2, 1999 at 18:42:38
Comments:I have recently lost my sons father to suicide. It has torn me apart these last two weeks, He was the love of my life and do not know how I can ever cope with my loss. I wish so much to have said goodbye, unfortunately the loss will remain with me forever.
Name: Margaret Balmer
Location: Troy, Al usa
Date: Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 06:15:05
Comments:You have a lovely homepage.
Name:Vic Marciano
Location: Melbourne, fl USA
Date: Monday, May 24, 1999 at 09:10:33
Comments:Barb thanks for the invite to your site. You and Judy have touched my soul with your words. As you know we have a special connection with two very special soldiers and Vietnam. I know our being brought together was not by accident and that Johnny and Ernie made it so.
Name: Robin Byrd
Location: corydon, IN US
Date: Sunday, May 23, 1999 at 05:57:09
Comments:Judy, You and Barb have created such a wonderful and inspiring website for us who have lost loved ones who are so dear so us. I am so honored to have a memorial dedicated of my daughter Jessica on this great site. This helps me so much to know and understand that I will be reunited with her again someday. So until that time I put my faith in God and know until we meet again, she is fine and happy and always close to me. Thank you all so much. Love, Robin Byrd
Name:Rev Dr. M. Byron Norrell, Jr. PhD PR
Location: Phoenix, AZ Good Old USA
Date: Monday, May 17, 1999 at 23:07:56
Comments:Thanks, You two have a wonderful Web Site.
Name: Cyndi
Location: Plattsmouth, NE USA
Date: Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 09:52:26
Comments:Judy - It was you who led me to Swedenborg. Thank You! You and Barb have a beautiful site and I can't wait to explore! Many Blessings to you Both, Cyndi
Name:Sheri Pherigo
Location: Newton, Iowa usa
Date: Monday, April 26, 1999 at 16:13:22
Comments:This is simply beautiful!! Judy, Barb, pat yourselves on your back. Your men are proud of you both...I know.
Name: Susan
Date: Monday, April 26, 1999 at 14:13:42
Comments:Judy and Barb, Just arrived at your beautiful website! I look forward to 'browsing' Thanks for all of the work you have put into this! Love Susan
Name: Maggie
Location: Sydney, NSW Australia
Date: Tuesday, March 30, 1999 at 22:52:20
Comments:Hi Judy, Just wanted to drop in to publicly acknowledge the wonderful job you have done on this site. Every page is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! I am sure "the boys" are smiling down from Heaven and that Jim is so proud of you!! I am too. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for James' memorial and ADC pages. God was smiling the day we met, and I am so grateful for all the help you have been to me. I just know that you will go on to help many more and we are all here in support of what you are doing. It is the most loving tribute I have ever seen and I wish you all the best in the world!!! Bless you, Love Maggie
Name: Donna (DMWDances)
Date: Saturday, March 27, 1999 at 03:19:37
Comments:Your "under construction" website is a beautiful and moving testimony to love that lasts forever. I was deeply touched and will visit again. I very much enjoyed the music, poems, and hymns. Judy--Have you read "Within Heaven's Gates" by Rebecca Springer? Her 'visit' to heaven mirrored what Jim has told you of the afterlife. My prayers to you all with love and wishes for many blessings.
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