The early 1980's were good years for Jason. By then his oldest sister
Debbie had married and after a few years a nephew arrived for Jason. He became a babysitter
at the age of 11. It seemed in order that the nephew should also have a pup so finally Jason could enjoy a family dog at his
sister's house.
As Jason began grade seven he was suddenly pulled from the life he had
so enjoyed and from all the friends he grew up with. A failing business meant a move for the family and by then both of Jason's sisters were on
their own so ACE left with his mom and dad leaving behind, a dog he loved, his nephew, his
sisters, the only home he had ever known and all the kids he grew up with. The change so adversely affected the gentle soul
of this young man that he went into a depressive state. It would be more than a year before Jason would be able to
pull himself out of the depression and start the new challenge, building a new life! Jason's family moved again within another year and he began his grade 8
in yet another new town. He began making friends and was making a valiant effort to
fight the effects of the depression. His mood swings fluctuated like a roller coaster as he tried to adjust to yet another change.
In all of this he was to learn that the marriage of his parents was suffering. By the time Jason was in
grade nine, his teachers discovered they had a very talented, high IQ student on
their hands and Jason discovered what it was like to be in a family with only a mother.
Jason's father moved to another city and so the young man was further separated from loved ones.
(By this time his two sisters had moved even further away, Laurie to the province of Ontario and Debbie to the province of
Saskatchewan). Jason continued to live in Alberta.
Jason and his mom made one final move to a city where mom had a job to
support the two and a place where Jason would attend his grade ten and eleven. In this
city Jason continued to heal from the effects of the depression and to try to regain his balance after the
divorce of his parents. Perhaps the hardships helped to further define this young man as one boy
said of Jason later. "He always went out of his way to say hello." Though many students shunned the
young man in question, Jason recognized the need for caring and respect that others needed
and deserved. He extended it. Jason had learned to stand on his own and this was apparent the day he
decided to borrow his mom's sweatshirt and wear it to the public school he attended.
Jason's mom had taught some classes for the Catholic high school and they in turn presented her with a sweatshirt sporting that
school's football team. Jason borrowed the shirt and showed up at his own school with the shirt on. It was
like waving a red cloth at a bull! The other students became annoyed that one of their own should wear another
schools team shirt. They called Jason names and battered him up against the lockers. When his mom heard this she said, "I guess
you won't be wearing that shirt to your school again." Jason's reply gave a strong
indication of his personal growth. "Oh mom, it builds character!" Jason loved following the careers of runners and his favorite was an
American. The favorite of all his classmates was a Canadian. They teased him and bullied
him about it a good deal. His comment to his friends when the Canadian was found
to be under the influence of drugs, "How's your friend doing now?" That ended the teasing from the team mates. Jason was not perfect and he learned how to manipulate. He asked his
mom to take him shopping for aftershave. He chose Polo. His mom commented that it was much
too expensive and Jason said, "but mom, I need it for my self esteem" It was a good enough reply to get him the
coveted Polo. On another occasion, Jason was in trouble for bouncing the basketball on the walls of the fourplex where he and
his mom lived. A neighbor had complained and Jason's mom was reading him the riot act.
Jason, now six feet two inches tall and a strong athlete, picked up his mother in his arms as she tried to continue being angry at him. She couldn't
continue. The close contact was too much like a hug! She was reduced to sputtering!
It was here in Red Deer that Jason met Lori, a young girl who attended
the same school as he did. He had dated a number of girls and two had really captured his
heart, but then he met another tall young woman. This was Lori, the young girl he wanted to sit beside and hear her teasing and
laughter. This was the woman that captured his "young man's heart". He brought her flowers and spent time
with her. He even took her to another city to meet his father. In fact that was the final time he would see his dad.
The next day enroute to a competition his car went out of control and Jason was killed. He also loved golfing and was good at it.
On his wall he had something that said of another runner, "who was that fast man?"
And now on Jason's grave it says, "Who was that fast man?"  After his death Jason's team mates petitioned the Legion to have the name
of the track changed and today the high school track is called the Jason Braun memorial
Legion Track, in Jason's honor and to the credit of those young people who loved
Jason, their team mate so much. A
year after Jason was killed his old buddy, Brian Holland, joined him in Heaven. Brian and Jason
had played soccer together starting when they were five years old. Brian was killed in a motorcycle accident. Jason died
on his way to compete in a Track and field Meet. I'm sure these beautiful young men must
really keep things hopping in Heaven.