The Day of Love
So Now's the time to count the cost
Of love we have, and love we've lost...
Of arms that hold us here, and when
Other arms held us back then...
We think the pages have been turned,
Memories are all we have, we've learned...
And that is true, but not as we
Have been falsely taught to see...
Because our makeup here is such
That even as we feel the touch,
The moment's gone, the kiss is Past
One cannot make the second last...
And so...we never have the Now,
We only think we do, and how
We long for Now to come again
And make it stand apart from Then...
But both are just the same, you see...
For ALL we have is Memory.
And Memory...ahh, perhaps we
Can learn that Memory is free...
To be our Now -- those arms here when
We need them to be here again.
For there never is a cost
Because love is never lost.