for Those
Who Comfort
by: Jackie Deems
Reprinted with permission from Burlington Bereavement Resource Council,
Perspectives, Volume 3 No. 4, December 1990
Blessed are those
who do not use tears to measure the true feelings of the bereaved.
Blessed are those
who do not always have a quick "comforting" answer.
Blessed are those
who do not make judgments on the bereaved's closeness to God by their reaction
to the loss of their loved one.
Blessed are those
who hear with their hearts and not with their minds.
Blessed are those
who allow the bereaved enough time to heal.
Blessed are those
who admit their uncomfortableness and put it aside to help the bereaved.
Blessed are those
who do not give unwanted advice.
Blessed are those
who continue to call, visit and reach out when the crowd has dwindled and the
wounded are left standing alone.
Blessed are those
who know the worth of each person as a unique individual and do not pretend that
they can be replaced or forgotten.
Blessed are those
who realize the fragility of bereavement and handle it with an understanding
shoulder and a loving heart.

Music: The Meadow,
©1999 Bruce DeBoer
