
Massachusetts, December 8, 2002
(Transcribed and edited from
audio tape)


Isaiah 9:1-7
Unto us a child is born

Nevertheless, there will be no
more gloom for those who were in
distress. In the past he humbled
the land of Zebulun and the land
of Naphtali, but in the future he
will honor Galilee of the
Gentiles, by the way of the sea,
along the Jordan--
The people
walking in darkness have seen a
great light; on those living in
the land of the shadow of death a
light has dawned. You have
enlarged the nation and increased
their joy; they rejoice before you
as people rejoice at the harvest,
as men rejoice when dividing the
plunder. For as in the day of
Midian's defeat, you have
shattered the yoke that burdens
them, the bar across their
shoulders, the rod of their
oppressor. Every warrior's boot
used in battle and every garment
rolled in blood will be destined
for burning, will be fuel for the
For to us a
child is born, to us a son is
given, and the government will be
on his shoulders. And he will be
called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty
God, Everlasting Father, Prince of
Peace. Of the increase of his
government and peace there will be
no end. He will reign on David's
throne and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it with
justice and righteousness from
that time on and for ever. The
zeal of the Lord Almighty will
accomplish this.
John 1:1-18 The Word became

In the
beginning was the Word, and the
Word was with God, and the Word
was God. He was in the beginning
with God. All things came into
being through him, and without him
not one thing came into being.
What has come into being in him
was life, and the life was the
light of all people. The light
shines in the darkness, and the
darkness did not overcome it.
There was a
man sent from God, whose name was
John. He came as a witness to
testify to the light, so that all
might believe through him. He
himself was not the light, but he
came to testify to the light. The
true light, which enlightens
everyone, was coming into the
He was in
the world, and the world came into
being through him; yet the world
did not know him. He came to what
was his own, and his own people
did not accept him. But to all who
received him, who believed in his
name, he gave power to become
children of God, who were born,
not of blood or of the will of the
flesh or of the will of man, but
of God.
And the Word
became flesh and lived among us,
and we have seen his glory, the
glory as of a father's only son,
full of grace and truth. (John
testified to him and cried out,
"This was he of whom I said, 'He
who comes after me ranks ahead of
me because he was before me.'")
From his fullness we have all
received, grace upon grace. The
law indeed was given through
Moses; grace and truth came
through Jesus Christ. No one has
ever seen God. It is God the only
Son, who is close to the Father's
heart, who has made him known.
Arcana Coelestia #2405.8 The
advent of love and faith
In the
Bible's genuine meaning, "the
morning" refers to the Lord, his
coming, and the approach of his
kingdom. . . . For us as
individuals, the morning comes
when we are being reborn and
becoming new people. When this
happens, the Lord's kingdom is
being established in us, and we
become a part of the church. And
in particular, the morning happens
whenever the good that flows from
love and faith is at work in us,
since this is what the Lord's
coming means.

people walking in darkness have
seen a great light; on those
living in the land of the shadow
of death a light has dawned.
(Isaiah 9:2)
morning, as I offer my first
service for you during Advent, I'm
thankful that I have the Advent
candles in front of me because
that is where I am getting my
theme for the four upcoming
services that I will be offering
for you: this Sunday, next Sunday,
Christmas Sunday, and our
Christmas Eve service.
our Sunday School Director, is
following the same tradition for
the names of the Advent candles
that I want to use--and that is
following the Apostle Paul when he
wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:13,
"These three remain: faith, hope,
and love. And the greatest of
these is love." For our Advent
candles we also have, in addition
to faith, hope, and love, a candle
for joy. So for these next four
services I will be offering
sermons on "The Advent of Faith,"
"The Advent of Hope," "The Advent
of Love," and on Christmas Eve,
"The Advent of Joy." Of course, I
am one week off, because the
Advent candles started last week,
while I am starting this week,
since I did not preach last week.
As I said to
the children earlier, Advent is a
season of darkness and also of
light. It a season of darkness
because this is our season of
winter. Christmas comes very close
to the winter solstice, which is
the longest night of the year,
when we have the least light and
the most darkness. And that is
very appropriate to the state of
the world in which the Lord came.
The Lord came at a time when the
people were walking in darkness,
and were desperately in need of
light. And just as in the original
coming of the Lord into our world
in the time of darkness, we
celebrate his birth at the time of
the greatest darkness of our
seasons. And yet, it is also a
festival of lights. That is the
wonder of the Advent season: the
light that is shining out in the
Of course,
the darkness that I am talking
about here is not physical
darkness. As far as we know, the
people back in the times when
Jesus was born had just about the
same amount of physical light as
we have today. The sun hasn't
gotten any brighter or dimmer, and
the seasons are about the same. So
we are not talking about physical
light. The light we are talking
about is spiritual light.
And you don't have to be a
Swedenborgian with a knowledge of
symbolism and correspondences to
know that light is a symbol for
truth--and especially for
God's truth. The light we are
talking about is the light of
truth, the light of understanding,
the light of wisdom.
Another way
that we express this difference
between darkness and light
spiritually is by speaking of
faith and the absence of faith.
And this is my theme for today:
the advent of faith, the advent of
light into our world.
Now we have
to ask the question, "What is
faith?" There is a popular
misconception going around that
faith is what we have when we are
not really sure of something--when
we don't know for sure, so we say,
"I have to have faith." And there
is a meaning of faith in
which that is true. For example,
we do have to have faith that the
Lord is working for us even when
we don't clearly see it ourselves.
And yet, the
true meaning of faith, according
to our teachings, is believing
something because it is true.
Faith is believing something
because it is true.
misconception about faith being
meaning believing something when
you can't see or understand it
came partly from a conversation
between Jesus and Thomas. Moving
from the beginning to the end of
the Lord's life for a moment,
after Jesus was resurrected most
of his disciples saw him at a time
when they had gathered together in
a room. But there was one disciple
who didn't see him. His name was
Thomas, and he was not there when
Jesus first appeared to the
disciples. They told Thomas about
it, but he didn't believe them. He
said: Unless I see him; unless I
can put my hand into his side and
put my finger in the nail prints,
I won't believe.
Later, they
all came together again, and
Thomas was with them this time.
Jesus came among them again, and
he said to Thomas: Look, see, it
is I. Put your hand in my side,
put your finger in the nail
prints, and you will have faith;
you will believe that it is I. And
Thomas said to him, "My Lord and
my God."
Then come
the critical words--one of the
places where we have gotten the
misconception that faith is
believing something that we can't
understand. Jesus said to Thomas:
"Because you have seen me, you
have believed; blessed are those
who have not seen, and yet have
believed" (John 20:29). People
have often taken this to mean that
it is very blessed to believe in
Jesus when we don't really
understand, when we haven't seen
the Lord in our life. And yet, the
kind of seeing that Thomas
insisted on before he would
believe was seeing with his
physical eyes. He would only
believe if he saw with his
physical eyes that Jesus was there
in front of him.
What Jesus
was saying in reply was not that
we shouldn't see with our
spiritual eyes, but that those
who are unwilling to believe
anything except what they see with
their physical eyes will never
have true faith. Because the
seeing involved in true faith is
seeing with our spiritual eyes,
seeing with the eyes of our mind,
seeing with our inner eyes, God's
presence. It is seeing that
inner light.
Faith is not
believing something we can't
understand. Faith is truly
seeing with our spiritual
eyes, with our inner vision, the
truth and wisdom and presence of
the Lord. This is the faith, this
is the light, that we celebrate as
it comes into our world at the
darkest time.
We celebrate
at this season the advent of
faith. In humanity's darkness that
faith was missing. We read in the
passage from Isaiah of "the people
walking in darkness." People
walking in darkness. Those who
had, not physical darkness, but
spiritual darkness. It was a time
when the church had become
corrupt. It was a time when the
religious leaders were more
interested in their own power,
privilege, and wealth than they
were in showing the people the way
to the Lord.
Jesus spent
much of his ministry trying to
bring to the light the people who
were in the darkness. He also
upbraided the religious leaders,
who should have been showing the
people the way to God, but instead
were binding heavy burdens on them
that were heavy to bear, and yet
not lifting one of their fingers
to help them (Matthew 23:4).
It was a
time of great darkness in the
world. The Lord had tried sending
prophets; he had tried sending
priests. None of it had worked. It
had helped for a little while, but
then the people went right back to
their backsliding, until there was
so much darkness in the world that
the Lord said: I looked, and there
was no man. There was no one that
I could send. And therefore with
my own arm I came to save the
people, to lead the people (Isaiah
41:28; 59:16). There came a time
when only the Lord's personal
presence in this world could bring
us out of the great spiritual
darkness that we had plunged
ourselves into. This was the
advent of faith that we are
speaking of.
That great
time of darkness in all of
humanity is also reflected in our
own lives. We each go through our
times of light and of darkness. It
is one of the beautiful teachings
of our church that the spiritual
progress of all of humankind is
also reflected in our own
individual spiritual process. We
begin in a very primitive state as
infants, not able to know or do
much of anything, completely
helpless, very instinctual. We
grow through many stages and reach
adulthood, having gone through a
childhood sometimes pleasant and
sometimes unpleasant, with our ups
and downs.
we reach a time in our lives when
we realize: I am walking in
darkness. I don't understand
what's going on in this world. I
don't understand where I am going.
My life does not have the kind of
meaning that I want it to. I don't
have the kind of love in my life
that I want. I can't feel or
express the Lord's presence in my
life. I am walking in darkness.
Just as the people of this earth
walked in darkness, we come to our
times when we realize that it is
dark, not outside, but
inside. It's dark in our
heart. It's dark in our mind.
These are
exactly the times when, if we are
willing, we can open ourselves up
to that new birth, that birth of
light--the light of the Lord
shining into our hearts and minds.
As long as we think we know what's
going on; as long as we think we
understand, that we can figure it
out for ourselves, we are not open
to God's presence. But when we
truly realize: No, I don't
understand; I can't figure
this out; I need help; I am
in darkness--then we are open to
the Lord's coming into our lives.
The Lord is
born into us in our darkest times.
Just when we think that our life
is about to end. Just when we
think there is no hope left. Just
when we think that our faith will
no longer be with us. This is when
the Lord makes a new birth. This
is when we are ready. This is when
we are ready to say to the Lord,
"Come to me. I need you. I need
your help."
As we think
about this season of darkness, we
realize that the Lord has
come to us and will come to
us whenever we are in our times of
darkness, and will bring us the
light that is his wisdom, his
presence. We see his teachings in
the Gospels, resurrecting all of
the dead teachings that had been
given many centuries before, and
yet had been lost to humankind. We
read where he brings us the light
in his own words and through his
own example. God has given us the
entire Word, the entire Bible, so
that we may have the light of his
We also know
from our teachings that just as
there are comings of the Lord into
the world on the large scale for
all of humanity, and just as there
are times of darkness in the
course of our lives when the Lord
is born in us, there can also be
everyday times when the Lord comes
into our life with his light.
Every time we don't understand,
every time we don't see our way
and we pray to the Lord and ask
for help and receive inspiration,
receive help, this is the Lord
coming into our life.
says that we experience a morning
in our life "whenever the good
that flows from love and faith is
at work in us, because this is
what the Lord's coming means."
Whenever the goodness that comes
into our life from the love and
faith that we are willing to
receive from the Lord--when this
starts moving and working us, then
it is also the Lord's coming.
Every time this happens.
Every time
have darkness, the Lord is waiting
to be born into us. Every time we
have darkness, every time we don't
understand, every time we are
wandering and lost inwardly, the
Lord is waiting for us to open
ourselves up to him so that he can
be born into our lives with new
light and new inspiration.
As we move
into and through this season of
Advent; as we see the beautiful
candles being lit one by one, I
hope and pray that each of you
will also be able to feel that
light coming into your life. And
even more than that, I hope that
each of us will be able to open
ourselves more fully to that
light of the Lord being born into
us, to the advent of faith that
the Lord wishes to make for each
one of us today and every day.

Bring the Torch, Jeannette Isabelle

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