Massachusetts, December 14, 2003

62:1-5 God will rejoice over you like a
Zion's sake I will not keep silent, and for
Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until her
righteousness shines out like the dawn, her
salvation like a blazing torch. The nations will
see your righteousness, and all kings your
glory; you will be called by a new name that the
mouth of the Lord will bestow. You will be a
crown of beauty in the hand of the Lord, a royal
diadem in the hand of your God. No longer will
they call you Forsaken, or name your land
Desolate. But you will be called My Delight Is
In Her, and your land Married. For the Lord will
take delight in you, and your land will be
married. As a young man marries a maiden, so
will your Creator marry you; as a bridegroom
rejoices over his bride, so will your God
rejoice over you.
25:1-13 The parable of the ten virgins
that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten
virgins who took their lamps and went out to
meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish
and five were wise. The foolish ones took their
lamps, but did not take any oil with them. The
wise, however, took oil in jars along with their
lamps. The bridegroom was a long time in coming,
and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.
midnight the cry rang out: "Here is the
bridegroom! Come out to meet him!"
all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps.
The foolish ones said to the wise, "Give us
some of your oil; our lamps are going out."
they replied, "there may not be enough for
both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell
oil and buy some for yourselves."
while they were on their way to buy the oil, the
bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready
went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the
door was shut.
the others also came. "Sir! Sir!" they
said. "Open the door for us!"
he replied, "I tell you the truth, I don't
know you."
keep watch, because you do not know the day or
the hour.
and Hell #366-67 Marriage in heaven
comes from the human race--which means that
there are angels of both sexes there. And by
creation itself, woman is for man and man for
woman, each for the other; this love is inborn
in both sexes. It follows, then, that there are
marriages in the heavens just as there are on
earth. However, the marriages in the heavens are
very different from earthly ones. . . .
in the heavens is the union of two people into
one mind. . . . In heaven, this
is called "dwelling together," and
they are not called "two" but
"one." Therefore two married partners
in heaven are not called two angels but one

kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who
took their lamps and went out to meet the
bridegroom. (Matthew 25:1)
you ever noticed that in the movies, novels, and
fairy tales the favorite "happy
ending" is that the couple gets married and
lives happily ever after?
must admit, this used to annoy me. Sure, it's
great that the two finally fall in love and get
married, but "happily ever after?"
What about all the rest of those years of
marriage? Where are all the movies, novels, and
fairy tails that deal with all those years of
happy married life? I suppose there are a few,
but most of the stories seem to end just when
things are really beginning.
frustrating for those of us who are now married,
and find that the "happily ever after"
isn't exactly as advertised. Of course, there
are many happy times in a good marriage. But
there are also struggles, disappointment, pain,
and some unhappiness along the way. Even
the best marriages have their down times. That's
why that "happily ever after" bothered
me. It just didn't seem all that realistic--and
it didn't tell the rest of the story.
it recently dawned on me that the "happily
ever after" isn't talking about marriage on
this earth at all. What it's really talking
about is heaven. Our "happily ever
after" comes at the end of our story here
on earth. At the end of our struggles and
sorrows, trials and triumphs of this earthly
life, we enter into a new phase of life in the
spiritual world. And if we have done our work
here, it is indeed a case of getting married and
living happily ever after. Not that we don't
have challenges in the other life, too; but they
are the challenges that come with doing the
things we love and enjoy.
I had that thought, the "happily ever
after" ending doesn't bother me so much
anymore. Because of course, the end of every
story is when the conflict is resolved, the
struggle is over, and we go on to enjoy the
fruits of our labor. The human mind and spirit
knows the truth of this, and almost
instinctively tells its stories that way. And
the human heart knows that the happiest ending
is a marriage that is the beginning of eternal
why the Bible also ends with a marriage.
a minute!" you might say. "The Bible
doesn't end in a marriage. It ends in the Holy
City New Jerusalem coming down from God out of
heaven." The Bible begins with a garden,
and ends with a city.
take a look at Revelation 21:2. In the verse
that introduces the New Jerusalem, we read,
"I saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming
down of heaven from God, prepared as a bride
beautifully dressed for her husband."
The Bible does end in a wedding. The
bride is the New Jerusalem itself--which stands
as a symbol of God's universal church, made up
of all the people throughout the world who
believe in God, love God, and live according to
God's commandments. So the Bible begins with the
marriage of Adam and Eve in the garden, and ends
with the marriage of the Holy City, New
who is the bridegroom in those last chapters of
Revelation? As the Bible makes clear in many
passages, the bridegroom is none other than God
himself. This metaphor of God marrying his
church is found in many places throughout the
Bible, and especially in the Prophets. But for
now I'll just mention one passage from two
chapters earlier in the book of Revelation,
where a great multitude shouts in a thunderous
For the Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us
rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For
the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his
bride has made herself ready. Fine linen,
bright and clean, was given her to wear."
(Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of
the saints.) (Revelation 19:6-8)
the end of the book of Revelation, the wedding
of the Lamb--who is the Lord God Jesus
Christ--has come. And the bride who has made
herself ready is the Holy City itself, which
comes down out of heaven from God as a bride
beautifully dressed for husband--who is the God
from whom she came. In other words, heaven
itself is a marriage! That's why the last two of
Jesus' parables of the kingdom of heaven in
Matthew are about weddings.
let's talk about marriage and heaven.
departed from traditional Christians by saying
that angels are married, and that marriage is,
indeed, eternal. This is one of the beautiful
jewels of our church.
today, most traditional Christians--especially
the more conservative and literalistic
ones--will tell you that there is no marriage in
heaven. This is based on a misunderstanding of a
single statement of Jesus recorded in the
Gospels of Matthew (22:30), Mark (12:25), and
Luke (20:35): "In the resurrection people
will neither marry nor be given in marriage;
they will be like the angels in heaven."
This isn't the place to give a full exposition
of the Lord's words here. However, it is
important to realize that the Greek words used
this passage are not talking about the state
of being married, but about the act of getting
married. And spiritually speaking (and Jesus
does speak spiritually in his teachings and
parables) getting married is something we
must do here on earth if we are going to be
married in heaven. We'll return to that in a
who think this saying of Jesus applies to the state
of being married aren't paying attention to what
he said a little earlier in Matthew, in his
teaching about divorce:
you read that at the beginning the Creator
made them male and female, and said, "For
this reason a man will leave his father and
mother and be united to his wife, and the two
will become one flesh"? So they are no
longer two, but one. Therefore what God has
joined together, let humans not separate.
(Matthew 19:4-6)
the things that God does are not temporary, but
eternal (see Ecclesiastes 3:14). So if God
created male and female, and joined them
together into one, then marriage is not merely a
temporary joining that lasts for our lifetime
here on earth only, but an eternal union that
lasts forever in heaven. This is assuming, of
course, that a particular marriage is a
relationship that was truly made by God, and not
a mismatch made by human beings.
as I've already mentioned, in the Bible heaven
is often compared to a marriage. And of course,
this refers to the marriage of the Lord with the
church. But we humans, created in the image and
likeness of God, also have in our own individual
relationships a likeness of that eternal union
of Christ and his bride, the church: we have the
marriage relationship of a man and a woman. And
like the marriage of Christ and the church, the
marriage of man and woman is also eternal.
teaching can be gained from a broader-based and
more careful reading of the Bible than
traditional Christians usually engage in. It is
also the testimony of Emanuel Swedenborg, who
tells us from his personal experience in heaven
that angels are married. We gain the insight
from Swedenborg that being "like the angels
in heaven" means being married, since in
heaven, a married couple is not called two
angels, but one angel. As taught throughout the
Scriptures, the whole atmosphere of heaven is an
atmosphere of marriage! And this teaching that
we will spend eternity with the person we love
most in a heavenly, God-given marriage is indeed
one of the precious gems of genuine
you'd like to learn more about this, Swedenborg
devotes a whole chapter in his book Heaven
and Hell to marriage in heaven--not to
mention an entire volume, Marriage Love,
(traditionally titled Conjugial Love) to
marriage as an eternal, spiritual union.
is marriage, from a spiritual perspective?
Between two individuals, it is "a union of
two people into one mind," as Swedenborg
says in Heaven and Hell #367. But there
is also a "marriage" within each one
of us. And that inner marriage, which
comes from the marriage in God, is the source of
our outer, interpersonal marriages.
days, it is universally understood that we
humans have two fundamental parts to our nature,
popularly known as "head and heart,"
or more abstractly as "love and
understanding." We have loves, feelings,
motives, emotions, and desires. These are our
spiritual "heart." And we have
knowledge, understanding, thoughts, ideas, and
beliefs. These are our spiritual
"head." Everything we say with our
mouth and do with our hands comes from these two
fact, it is only when our heart and head, or our
motivation and understanding, are
"married" to one another and working
together that we can say or do anything at all.
example, if we want to bake a cake, but don't
have the faintest idea of how to use an oven, we
will not be baking any cake. On the other hand,
we may know perfectly well how to bake a cake,
but have no desire to do so. Again, no cake gets
baked. But if we both want to make a cake
and know how to make a cake then all
that's needed is ingredients, utensils, and an
oven, and soon there will be delicious aromas
wafting from the kitchen!
a marriage is an equal relationship of the
two--in this case, of our head and our heart.
And it is quite possible for us to be
unbalanced--to not be truly "married"
within ourselves. If our head gets too far out
in front, we may be convinced that we are
"right" about everything and have all
the answers, but be lacking in love and
compassion for others. In this case, our
intelligence is hard, cold, and unyielding,
because it has not been balanced by the soft,
warm influences of love.
the other hand, if our heart gets too far out in
front, we may "love, love, love"
ourselves into all sorts of foolish
relationships that turn out to give us far more
pain than joy. A year or two ago, when I was
teaching a class on love and marriage to the
teen group at Fryeburg New Church Assembly, I
mentioned that if we have lots and lots of love,
but don't think about it and make smart choices,
we can get ourselves into a lot of trouble. As I
was saying this half the girls in the class were
shaking their heads "yes" and saying,
"I've done that!" The warmth of our
love also needs the guiding direction of our
understanding if it is going to result in
genuinely good relationships and good ways of
are "married" inside of ourselves when
we have a love for God and for our fellow human
beings in our hearts, together with a wise and
thoughtful understanding of God's truth so that
the things we say and do are truly good,
constructive, and useful. This is the
"heavenly marriage" that we must make
within ourselves here on earth if we are going
to be "like the angels in heaven." We
also need this kind of marriage of head and
heart within ourselves if we hope to be in a
loving, happy, growing marriage relationship
here on earth.
is what the parable of the ten virgins is all
ten virgins represent all people who are part of
the Lord's church. But notice that some of the
virgins were wise, and some were foolish. Not
everyone who goes to church and professes to be
spiritual and religious is truly, inwardly a
part of the Lord's church! The wise virgins
brought both lamps and extra oil, whereas the
foolish ones brought only lamps with a bit of
oil in them, but no extra to keep their lamps
going once that oil burned out.
lamps that the virgins were carrying were not
the traditional "Aladdin" type lamp
that we often think of from Biblical times.
Rather they were a special torch type lamp that
consisted of a short pole with a shallow cup on
top that had a bit of rag or wicking material in
it, which could be kept burning by replenishing
its oil from a flask that was carried
separately. So the foolish virgins had light for
only a short time before the bit of oil in their
torches burned out, and they had no more to
refill it with.
lamps in this parable represent our
understanding, which is a container for all of
our knowledge and experience. The oil, which is
the fuel for the lamp, represents our love,
which fuels everything we say and do. So the
message of the parable is, once again, that we
must have both understanding and compassion if
we are going to answer the invitation and enter
into the wedding feast of heaven.
matter how deeply we may have studied the Bible
and the teachings of the church, and no matter
how comprehensive our doctrinal understanding
may be, if we do not have love for God and
compassion for others in our hearts, all of that
religious knowledge means nothing. Without love,
compassion, and kindness, we are the foolish
virgins whose oil quickly burned out, and who
found the door shut to them when they tried to
enter into the banquet and enjoy the wedding
festivities. If we are not married within
ourselves, there is no way we can enjoy the
heavenly marriage.
all of this, we can understand what it means to
answer the Lord's invitation. The bridegroom in
the parable is the Lord himself, who invites us all
to enjoy his wedding feast. No one is excluded
from that invitation! If we do not go, it is not
because we weren't invited, but because we
failed to respond to that invitation.
what do we need to do to answer the Lord's
invitation? We need to have both lamps and oil.
We need to both learn the spiritual teachings of
the church and love God and our fellow
human beings.
foolish virgins weren't ready to answer the
invitation. They had lamps, but no oil. And if
we have plenty of knowledge, but have neglected
to love and serve our fellow human beings, we
will not answer the invitation either. We may
think that we will be ready for heaven when the
time comes; but we will have a rude awakening
when we find the door closed, and ourselves on
the outside. And this will not be because God is
unwilling let us in, but because we ourselves
have rejected the heavenly marriage within us.
if our lamps are filled with oil--if everything
we learn is filled with love, kindness, and
compassion, and we spend our lives actively
doing what we can to give comfort, service, and
happiness to others--then we will be ready and
waiting, our torches burning bright, when the
call of the bridegroom comes.
answer the Lord's invitation to the wedding
feast of heaven when we have become inwardly
"married": when our heart and head
work together to show God's love to one another.

Wedding Graphics by
Parker - Used with Permission
background design by Judy
Music: By
© Bruce DeBoer

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