O Lord God, our most gracious heavenly
father and savior. I come into your presence with thanksgiving. I thank You
for all the wonderful blessings that you have placed in my life. I thank you
for your endless bounty of natural, spiritual and celestial gifts that are all
related to love and truth.
Lord I pray that I will have the sense
to use your gifts well For the benefit of all mankind. I think of those who
are besought with troubles not of their own making; the children who suffer
from the wars and conflicts which are perpetrated by greedy individuals who
seek dominion over others; the victims of terrorism who die for no reason and
for those who are left behind to grieve. Lord, strengthen me in my resolve to
be or to become a defender of the poor and the oppressed.
Lord I pray that you will cleanse me
of all that is wrong in my life. For I know that where there is falsity truth is shut out; where there is anger, understanding does not exist; where
there is hatred love cannot abide; and where there is evil there can be no
good. So Lord, please help me to remove those things from my heart and mind
that stand in the way of receiving your blessings of wisdom and of love, for
now and evermore. I thank you Lord.

Music: Give Thanks