website is in memory of my son James Gary Vance who I
brought in this world and lost on August 14,1999.
Losing a child is the hardest thing any parent can ever
go through, I know I've gone through it and continue to
go through the pain. What makes it worse is when
you lose a child due to the negligence of another
person. In my case it was a doctor and three
pregnancy had complications just as I did with my first
two pregnancies, but my baby was fine and healthy until
around my eight month. My son was violently
shaking at times and I asked if a fetus have a seizure
in the womb and was told no. I was told I had
toxemia and then told I didn't. I tested positive
for Strep B. When you test positive you are to be
started on antibiotics and I wasn't.
doctor then ordered me having OCT test (Oxytocin Challenge
Test) where they put you on Pitocin and put you in labor
to see how the baby is doing inside the womb. My
first test I was told was normal and I had one
deceleration. My second test (which was one week
before I delivered) I was told was normal and in fact it
was VERY abnormal and if my son had of been taken that
day he would be here with me today, because he was
found all of this out after I lost him by researching
Anoxia (which was what the doctor said was the cause of
death) and strep B. I went to a lawyer not
for the money, but to stop this from happening to
another child and the parents. That's when I found out
about the Texas laws pertaining to stillborn babies and
it is very cruel to say the least.
son was fullterm, weighed 8lbs 10oz and was 18 inches
long. But because my son did not take one breath
he is not seen
as a child, he is a stillborn. He is a person, I
held my son for hours, I counted fingers & toes.
There is NO way anyone can tell me my son was/is not a
child. The only thing I can do for James now is fight
for him. I'm forming an organization to fight for the
rights for stillborn children and the parents who
lost them.
would like to encourage people who read this website to
right your congress and state representatives to pass a
law for these children. That's why I did this
website, this is the ONLY way anyone would know my
son existed. I want to thank you for taking the
time to read this site, I can speak for myself and James
to tell you this means a lot to us.
you would please sign my guest book and encourage others
to stop in and read this website. If you can offer
any information and help starting this organization I
deeply appreciate it. I've got to do this for
James and myself (its all I can do for him).
help me fight for these children and their rights. Thank
you so very much and feel free to leave any thoughts or
advise and help. If anyone can offer any help or
advise on how to start an organization, please leave
information in comment box. Thanks!

We will love & miss our "Lil Angel"

background set was custom
designed for my son. Please do not copy.
Courtesy of
Broderbund ClickARt Celebrations
Royalty Free for Non-Profit Use
Heart to Heart
© 1999 Bruce DeBoer

Used with Permission
No Right
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