Thomas Camp
was the kind of person everyone should try to be; someone to
be truly admired for his sincerity, bravery, honesty, intelligence, loyalty, courage, sense of
humor and wisdom. He was a dedicated family man, good and faithful Husband, wonderful Father and especially
loving Grandfather.
He lived his life to the fullest and was always kind,
thoughtful, caring and considerate of others. He was patriotic and proved it by serving his
Country first in the Marines, then the U.S. Navy and finally in the U.S.
Air Force. He fought in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. He was truly an Angel here on Earth that God called Home on
December 18, 1998.
I shall miss him with all my heart each and every day of my life. Since his passing,
I have not been the same. He was my best friend, protector, Hero and Father. My Dad was a very special man with the
most wonderful sense of humor and zest for life. Losing him to Lung Cancer was the most
heartbreaking and difficult thing I've ever had to experience in my life.

I remember when I was talking to him in his Hospital
Room and started crying without warning, the tears just came and wouldn't stop.
My Dad immediately called for a Nurse, not for him you see, but for me. That's how very
thoughtful and caring he truly was. Right up until the end he was thinking of others.
He used to make jokes whenever someone
came to see him in the Hospital. At one point, he had everyone laughing themselves silly. Can
you imagine that? Here he was, dying and in unbearable pain and he was entertaining others to take their sadness
away! That's my Dad for you, the man I am so very, very proud of and will always miss.

This Memorial is dedicated to honor you Dad and all
that you were to me. I will always love you and miss you with all my heart and I take
comfort in knowing that you are with God and no longer in pain. God Bless and keep you safe in His love.
Until we meet again I will try very hard to follow in your footsteps
but you are one tough act to follow Dad. You are my "Sunshine" and the "Light of My Life" and
always will be.
Dad, I want you to know that Mom, Vincent and I miss
you with all our hearts. As your favorite personality and speaker - Bishop
Sheen would say, "Bye now, and God Love You."
Your loving Daughter,
Laura Hayes.

Letter to Heaven
Afterdeath Communications
with my Dad
Two Poetry Selections
that have great meaning for me:

My sincere appreciation
to Joyce who has honored my Dad with her beautiful Angel Award.
Marble Background by Tutto
Web Graphics
Angel Graphics by Kim
Gold Border BladePro Preset